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Have you ever fallen for someone but didn't want to tell them because you were afraid that they wouldn't feel the same? Well this is the situation jimin is in he had fallen for his bestfriend min yoongi. But what jimin didn't know is that yoongi also had feelings for him.

"Jimin why won't you just tell him how you feel if it's bothering you so much!" hoseok yelled. They were currently in the cafeteria eating their lunch with jungkook and taehyung. "Yeah chimchim why won't ya just tell him" taehyung asked while stuffing his face with ramen.

"Because if I tell him then what if he doesn't feel the same it could probably ruin our friendship"
Suddenly yoongi pops up out of nowhere "ruin your friendship with who?" Yoongi asked walking towards their table.

"Oh....uh...umm.....I gotta go see you guys after school" jimin ran away while cursing himself for stuttering so much. As he was mentally cursing himself he heard someone calling his name that someone was yoongi. He tries to ignore him and pick up his pace but yoongi catches up with him. "You ok man why did you leave so quickly?" He asked while putting his shoulder around jimin, this caused jimin to blush a lot "oh,..uhh.. I just wanted to get to class before the bell rung!"
He blurted "oh ok we have the same class we can just go together" jimin just nodded slowly and walked to class.

What's up!! Guysss how did you like the first chapter was it bad was it good let me know in the comments I know it was really short sorry about that the next chapter will be longer byee!

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