Chapter Twenty Three: Almost like old Times

Start from the beginning

"What is that?" Sanjay asks.

"This will track any aliens in the area, including Slitheen. I didn't want to use it but yet I have no choice right now. Mum will understand I hope if she can even see us," I trail off. I never thought about after life or what I really think about it. No time to worry about it now.

"Maybe its best to not think about it," Lenny suddenly comes back into my mind and I smile.


"Alright Sanjay, Daniel your with me!" I say as I grab my jacket off the side and head towards the attic door, "You can stay up here if that's better. Mr Smith might be able to protect you if they come, Throw up a shield. Do that if its needed okey," I say to Mr Smith.

"Of course Luke." I watch as the Slitheen finally disappears, "Sorry took so long had an issue."

"Its fine. Better go come on," I say as I rush out the attic and down the stairs I hear Sanjay and Daniel following behind me.

I rush into the kitchen and search for the vinegar. I find a few spare water bottles and fill them up with all the vinegar I have in the cupboards just about scraping three bottles. One for each of us. Perfect.

Sanjay and Daniel stand at the door looking at me. I rush to them and hand them a bottle each. "It will make them explode but only use them as a last resort," I tell them firmly.

They both nod to understand. "Come on then we have Slitheen to find," I smile as I head towards the front door.

I don't really like to admit it but this feels almost like old times. Slitheen, vinegar...and I am leading it this time and for the first time I have to admit. I am enjoying it.

Clyde's POV

"Luke said to look after her and that is exactly what I am doing," I say to Rani who is pulling me back around the corner of the hut.

"This what you are doing is stalking. This is not what you do to your best mates sister," Rani continues.

"What! Rani she has been acting strange all day. Something is off about her I am sure."

"I feel it too but what if its just...maybe she just needs to be away from us. All she has to see is us and Luke all the time. Let her enjoy this for once. She is so young still and has to deal with so much. Let her enjoy it while she can," says Rani.

"Maybe you are right but Luke said to look after her. I will feel like I have failed if something happens and Luke never forgive either of us!" I tell her firmly.

"Fine a quick look but I swear that's it!"

We look around the corner into the window of the hut and my mouth drops open at what I see.

"Oh my god! She has a boyfriend!" Rani said a bit too loud in my ear.

"Shh what if she heard you," I say as I bend down below the window Rani joining me.

"It was just a kiss. One kiss. They pulled away right after. This is nothing to do with us," I trail off.

"Nothing to do with us! Sky is twelve Clyde. I mean I think its sweet but Luke. He won't be happy," Rani continues.

"Then we don't tell him. Agree?"

Rani looks at me then sighs, "Agree," as we shake hands on it.

"Agree on what?" Sky voice booms from the door to the hut.

"Nothing!" I say quickly.

"Oh come on Clyde don't need to lie to the girl. Clyde and I agree that maybe just maybe we should expect that we just so different that we clash a lot and we agreed to try work harder at dealing with that in the right way," Rani says looking at me.

"Yeah, yeah what she said," I say quickly.

"Right. I might be young and only experienced the world a little and a lot all at the same time...I know that is a load of rubbish! You was spying on me! Luke said he would have you looking out for me but the cheek to spy," says Sky looking disappointed.

"It was all Clyde's idea!" Rani blurts out.

"Oh well thanks Rani. Thanks a lot!"

"What did you really agree too?" she asks.

"Not to tell Luke," I confirm.

"Well good because he doesn't need to know. Not yet," Sky says before she goes back into the hut slamming the door behind her.

"Oh I have never seen Sky so angry," says Rani.

"Rani the lights are flickering in there," I warn her.

"Oh no. I hope Sky can control herself," says Rani.

"We just have to trust her that she can. Come on we might be able to get some pudding!"

"We just had dinner!" Rani says following me back through the trees towards the main log cabin.

"Oh come off it Rani. I didn't get pudding!"

"You and your puddings," she sighs but we both laugh it off.

"Wait a minute. What if the teachers catch them in there? We aren't allowed in the cabins. They are the teachers, "Rani begins.

"Leave Sky to it. I mean let her learn. Luke would probably agree on that too," I say to her.



Thanks for reading.

Needs Editing!!!

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