
Later that day, while in bed watching television, Harry got a message.

_zaynjaym93: afternoon, loser 😝

Harry bit his lip.

its_harriexx: can we just forget that game? I'll still go on a date with you...

_zaynjaym93: you don't want to tell me that secret, do you?

its_harriexx: not really, no

_zaynjaym93: I thought you told me it's important. like you couldn't keep it from me if we were going to be together

Harry sighed, getting out of bed and beginning to pace around his bedroom.

After doing this for a while, he stopped and stared at his phone for a moment.

He walked back over and picked it up.

its_harriexx: it is. but we're not together and agreed to just take things slow, didn't we?

_zaynjaym93: yeah, I guess you're right

its_harriexx: yeah. I mean, I usually am

_zaynjaym93: 😛

its_harriexx: 😝🐍

_zaynjaym93: oh so we're doing this now

_zaynjaym93: 👌

its_harriexx: 👉👌

_zaynjaym93: 🙈 aha

_zaynjaym93: 🍆💦

its_harriexx: 👅🔥

_zaynjaym93: you're gonna burn your tongue

its_harriexx: go dry your eggplant ✌

_zaynjaym93: 😂😂

Harry smiled for a moment, having a thought.

its_harriexx: hey, I have a question out of pure curiosity...

_zaynjaym93: yeah?

its_harriexx: would you ever date a guy?

_zaynjaym93: what?

its_harriexx: we're not even speaking, how could you not have heard me?

_zaynjaym93: no like....what? why would you ask that?

its_harriexx: because I'm curious

_zaynjaym93: look, whatever the girls told you about Louis and me isn't true. people do stupid stuff when they're drunk

Harry raised an eyebrow.

its_harriexx: what's this? what did you and Louis do?

_zaynjaym93: nothing

its_harriexx: tell me!

_zaynjaym93: tell me your secret and I'll tell you mine

its_harriexx: you and him snogged didn't you?

_zaynjaym93: possibly

_zaynjaym93: but it doesn't matter, we were completely drunk

its_harriexx: a drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts

_zaynjaym93: yeah? and a drunk man's actions are a sober man's regrets

_zaynjaym93: I'm straight 💯

its_harriexx: I believe you

Harry didn't know what else to say.

_zaynjaym93: are you a lesbian? Is that your secret?

its_harriexx: absolutely not. I don't like girls.

_zaynjaym93: then what is it? are you working for the CIA or something?

its_harriexx: no, just forget it okay?

_zaynjaym93: I kinda can't. I'm starting to feel concerned

its_harriexx: well don't. tell me about our date :)

Harry took in a shaky breath, trying not to get anymore upset than he already was.

Why was this so serious all of sudden?

Why did he have to fall for Zayn?

This was all his father's fault.

If his father hadn't made him do this, he wouldn't have met Zayn, and fallen for him so quickly.

He wouldn't be going through this.

Of course, he also wouldn't be going through this if he'd just tell Zayn the truth.

But he was so scared of rejection, and that everything would fall apart.

Harry took another deep breath, deciding he was done feeling this way.

He was going to tell Zayn the truth after their first date, no matter how scared he was.

No matter how much he wanted to try and brush it under the rug.

Harry cared more about Zayn than this case, and all the risks.

His father would just have to get over it.

A/N: Next chapter is coming reeeaaaally soon 👍

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