[19] 死

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AN: Here we are back in the forest with another chapter! Brownie points to whoever can say what that character is without cheating and looking it up :P

The song is super explicit, and it's also metal, so if you're not into that maybe skip it :P (don't actually skip it, it's perf and there's also a penis joke in the video. Props if you catch it :P) It's called The Way of the Fist by Five Finger Death Punch. I had another song in mind for this chapter, but I decided it would be better suited for the war.



The birds managed to make their way to the boy without getting more seriously injured, by nothing short of a miracle. They grasped the boy by the shoulders, their fierce talons piercing through the skin and causing him to cry out and squirm, only succeeding in deepening the wounds. Within five powerful strokes of their wings, they had carried the boy into the air, out of range of any weapons the other Genin might have. This effectively reduced them to their Ninjutsu, as Taijutsu would be useless against the winged creatures as well. Of course, using Ninjutsu put their friend in harms way, so that negated the use of that as well.   

Of course, that didn't seem to occur to the Genin as one of them quickly formed the hand signs for a common fire Jutsu, one that was certain to hurt her birds if they didn't move. She let out a wordless cry through the link, but all that was returned was that same grim determination from before. As Sen took in the movements of her birds and realized what they were about to do, she allowed herself to drop, but fell too far. Her vision swam and her stomach curdled, black spots interrupting her sight. The two birds let out shrieks in tandem, pulling away from the other, the boy still in their claws. The movement shredded him, effectively pulling his arms off just before the flames engulfed his legs, their aim thankfully off. This, of course, meant that the boy her birds had taken didn't have the scroll, for the team wouldn't have risked it and their friend. It was elsewhere. 

The two Rain Genin screamed as the blood rained down upon them and Sen's heart wrenched in sympathy for the two, silent apologies rebounding against her skull. The two raptors returned to her side as they watched the boy fall to the Earth with a sickening thud. It was clear the two felt bad making her witness the killing, but Sen quickly realized that it wasn't his death that bothered her so much. It was that Go and Akai had been the ones to do it, that their talons now dripped with the blood of a young boy. Seeing people die was one thing, knowing you had something to do with it was something different in its entirety. 

The plan had moved on without Sen even noticing, and soon the girl with the fire jutsu was neck-deep in the Earth, thanks to Hiroe. Ukon stalked circles around the last member of the team, having already chucked his kunai with the paper bomb attached and missed, taking a massive chunk out of a tree behind them. Thankfully, the tree had decided to fall away, instead of towards, the team's camp. The boy suddenly sprung at Ukon, catching the fool off guard. Sen let out a shriek, but it was too late. The boy's tanto buried itself deep in Ukon's arm and the boy screamed, dropping like a sack of bricks. Tucking her wings into her sides, Sen let herself fall with increasing speed towards the Earth, pulling them out to stop just above the ground, returning to her human self, hair coming to fall around her shoulders as her eyes blazed.

"You dare harm my teammate?" She snarled, the protectiveness inside her rearing its head for the first time for Team Eleven.

"You killed both of them!" The boy screamed, spittle flying. "You think I give a damn what happens to you bastards?!"

The kunoichi's eyes flickered over to the boy who was missing his arms. It appeared as though he was still alive, though just barely. He wouldn't last much longer.  Sen's eyes narrowed, her voice going cold. This was Hatori, the calm and collected warrior, fierce, a force to be reckoned with. Though Sen was nowhere near the power of her elders, she had inherited their stony expression when she wanted it. "Neither are dead, one is simply near dead. The other just has her body underground. Hand over the scroll and perhaps you can get the help you need for your teammate to survive."

His Little Bird [A Naruto Fanfiction] [Shikamaru x OC]Where stories live. Discover now