[2] Graduation

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AN: Sorry it's been a few days, guys. I just started a new job, and today I was at a horse show all day (and then the hospital because I took a nasty spill and really hurt my hip... .-. ) I'm hoping to get back into the swing of things by listening to a couple of "Shikamaru" playlists - if y'all are curious about them (I think they're pretty good) you can find them on 8tracks.com. My personal favorite is a playlist called "I'm Not Sorry."

Enjoy the chapter! 

<3 A


"What in the hell is going on?!" She continued yelling, her face positively beet red. If it weren't for her pride, she could pretty much guarantee that her hands would be flailing around her head, making quite the ruckus. But thankfully she still had a little bit of control over herself. 

"Jesus, Sen, relax." Shikamaru said, his voice still rough with sleep, as he rubbed the back of his neck. "You were passed out on the bench outside of my clan's compound so I took you inside because I didn't want to walk all the way back to your compound carrying you in the pouring rain. It would've been just too troublesome." He grunted at that, reaching back and starting to pull his hair back. Then it hit Sen, she'd never seen him with his hair down...and he was actually really cute with it down. She blushed a little, scolding herself silently, 'He is not cute. He's lazy, and a chauvinistic pig! Guys like that can't be cute.' 

Her face turned stony as she tried to force any positive thought about Shikamaru out of her head. "Well...thanks, I guess." She grunted, not wanting to appear needy, but knowing it would be rude if she didn't thank him from saving her from getting the flu or hypothermia or something. 

"We need to get to school, you know, Sen-san." Shikamaru grumbled, a little ruffled at her lack of gratitude, but he decided to ignore it. If she wanted to be difficult and grouchy, so be it. But as soon as he mentioned school, she shot up, a panicked look on her face.

"It's graduation testing today!" She yelled and Shikamaru plugged his ears, but she continued panicking, "I don't have anything with me! I don't even have my stupid hawk! I have to go Shikamaru, thanks again, I'll see you in class!" And with that, out the window she went, dashing down the street towards her clan's compound...taking his clothes with her.

"Ugh. Troublesome girl. Well...I suppose I shouldn't laze around all day either. My mother might start bothering me then...what a drag." And with that, Shikamaru hoisted himself off the floor and went in search for his trademark outfit, wondering if he was ever going to get those clothes back.

Sen raced out of the Nara compound and skidded left around the walls of their home, sprinting off towards her own house. It took a good eight or ten minutes to make it there at a full sprint. Sen had never been more thankful that she was the type to wake up with the sun. At least she could ensure that if she was late, it was only by a few minutes. Skidding to a stop outside of the main branch house - Sen's home - she jerked the door open, sprinting past her father and mother, who were sitting at the table, clutching their tea for dear life. They looked half dead, just like they did every morning, sleep clouding their eyes as they hunched over their cups, which held a liquid that would magically breathe life into them. It was weird. Adults were weird. 

The young girl's speeding form caught the attention of her father, however, and he boomed out "Sen!" She skidded to a stop, swallowing thickly. Crap. She muttered to herself, knowing that his tone of voice could mean nothing good. 

"Y-yes, Father?" The girl asked, her voice sickeningly sweet. It was obviously fake, but Sen would do anything to try and diffuse some of the man's anger.

His Little Bird [A Naruto Fanfiction] [Shikamaru x OC]Where stories live. Discover now