[15] Chunin Exams Begin!

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AN: Holy crap. I'm super excited at how many reads this has gotten - it's almost at 200. I know that's not a lot for many of you but I certainly never expected my crappy Shika fanfic to get this far ^^; Not to mention the fact that I've pulled readers outside of my country - never would I have imagined that I would see countries like Croatia and Poland highlighted on my demographics. 

The beginning of this chapter is going to be a lot and I mean a lot of dialogue. Honestly...we may not even get to the first part of the exam which means this will be another stupid filler chapter. Pls don't hate me.

As it were - enjoy the chapter! :)


The three walked in and were put face-to-face with what seemed like hundreds of other Ninja. Sen looked over at both her teammates, and then at Go and Akai. "Are they all here for the Chunin Exams?"

"Obviously." Hiroe scoffed, and Sen was surprised, this was the most he'd spoken in quite some time.

"You're rather chatty today, aren't you Hiroe? What's gotten into you?" Sen accused, pointing a finger at him.

"What? Am I suddenly not allowed to speak? If it weren't for me, you never would have figured out that was Genjutsu back there." Hiroe's voice was stern, and Sen found herself rendered speechless.

"I... I would have figured it out eventually!" She stammered, protesting despite the fact she knew the boy was right.

Ukon took this as his cue to step in. With a snort, he muttered, "As if."

"Shut your trap, Ukon!" Sen growled, shaking her fist in his face.

"What?! You suck with Genjutsu and you know it!" He shot back and Sen took the opportunity to punch him in the shoulder - hard.

"That doesn't mean you need to announce it to literally everyone we'll be competing against!" She snapped, glaring fiercely at the white-haired boy.

He stared at her, wide-eyed as he realized what he had done. "O-oh. Sorry."

"You'd better be! Now everyone has an advantage over us!" She shrilled, still furious with the Sonoda boy.

"C'mon, Fairy, it can't be that bad." A voice behind her drawled. Her eyebrow twitched at the sound of her much hated nickname. Only one person was dumb enough to call her that. She whirled around and saw him standing there, red triangles on his face and white dog atop his head.

"Kiba." She sniffed, her voice curt.

"Aw, c'mon now Fairy. Is that any way to greet an old classmate?"

"It's my way of greeting an old classmate who apparently wants to get his face bashed in."

"Still bitter about the nickname, huh?" He smirked, pointed tooth sticking out from his lip.

"No, I'm mostly just bitter about your existence, mutt." She shot back, hands on her hips and eyes narrowed.

"You wound me, dollface." Kiba said, placing a hand over his heart as if she had broken it, his face rife with mock pain. Sen simply blanched at the pet name and turned away from him.

"S-sorry about h-him, Sen-kun." A quiet voice stammered, and Sen beamed when she found herself in the presence of Hinata.

"Hey, Hinata!" She chirped, happy to see her friend here. "I'm glad you guys all decided to take the Exams!"

"I-I w-wasn't going too, b-but I k-knew they c-couldn't take it w-without m-me." Hinata started and Sen turned a sharp glare on Kiba and Shino.

"You two didn't force her into taking it, did you?!" She stormed, about to give them a piece of her mind.

His Little Bird [A Naruto Fanfiction] [Shikamaru x OC]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora