[11] Surprise!

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AN: Here's the next chapter - enjoy! The photo is a map I found of the Naruto world, so you can sort of figure the path they took. They moved through the Land of Fire into the Land of Stone and so on. 

You can start the song when the words "I guess we'll have to see about that" pop up ;)

The video isn't showing up for me in the header thing, so I'll post it below as well just in case you guys can't see it either.


Around two weeks had passed, and everything was going okay. In just a few more days, they would reach the edge of the Land of Bears and get on the boat to take them to the Land of Birds, which would mark the completion of their mission. They currently were running through the last stretch of land in the Land of Keys, only about twenty miles remained until they reached the eastern border of the Land of Bears. Just another week and a few days and Sen could be rid of the stain on her life that was Daisuke. Surprisingly, the boy rode the horse that he had purchased quite well, even able to keep up with a higher speed than Sen had predicted. It had sped up their journey considerably, though the horse did still have to stop and rest more often than the ninja would have to. 

Eri Sensei gazed at the three Genin running around her, worrying a little bit. She could never tell with Hiroe, but it was obvious that Ukon had let his guard down. He had relaxed because it had been two weeks and they had gone without incident. She would have to talk to him later, as relaxing was the worst thing a Shinobi could do. It was like the second you did all of the things you were worried about happening before would start to happen. Eri really hoped nothing would go wrong from here, she knew she shouldn't get her hopes up, but she couldn't help it. Having to fight with this kid hanging around would be a huge pain and she couldn't risk leaving her Genin behind to fight, or leaving the kid in the care of her Genin in the case one of the enemies slipped by her. 

"Eri Sensei" Sen started, pulling the woman out of her reverie.

"Yes, Sen?" The girl's eyes shone gold and looked much more stern than usual. That sternness was the clue that Sen had Eagle Eye activated and was watching things through her hawk's eyes. Eri had to admit, the girl was extremely useful. Not only did she have a Sensory-Type Jutsu at her disposal, but she was also able to fight - and had two companions to fight with her to boot. Now all she needed was to train more and become stronger and the girl would become a fine Shinobi. All three of them would, if they applied themselves. However Eri was especially proud of Sen's accomplishments and growth. Every team she'd failed and even the team she'd mentored prior to this - the only other one she'd ever passed - had an annoyingly weak kunoichi. They were always so weak, letting the boys do all the work and talking about how they would just become a Medical Ninja to make up for their lack of skill. 

Sen snapped the woman out of her reverie once more, "I've found a suitable place for us to camp for the night. It's just over the border in the Land of Bears. There's a small stream running through a nice bit of tree coverage that will be useful for shelter and disguising our presence."

"Very well, approximately how many miles away is this place?"

"Now? Around sixteen. At the pace we're currently traveling at, I could expect us to reach it in...a little less than an hour."

"Wonderful. I'm looking forward to a break."

Sen nodded and made a noise of agreement before turning her head to look forward again, her eyebrows furrowing a little further. With a grunt, she pushed off the ground harder, pulling up to run at the front of the group with Ukon so she could guide the team to where they were headed. 

His Little Bird [A Naruto Fanfiction] [Shikamaru x OC]Where stories live. Discover now