[14] Marked

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AN: I just wanted to thank all of you who have been reading and voting on this story. You guys are pretty much the reason I decided to write this out as opposed to just fangirling about it in my head. If y'all are interested, I'd like to start dedicating chapters to those of you who do vote/comment/etc 

Enjoy this chapter <3


Sen ran to her house after the spectacle with the Sand Genin, skidding to a stop when she finally found her father. "Dad, guess what?"

He looked up from the book he was reading, "What is it, Sen?"

"I was recommended for the Chunin Exams!" She grinned proudly, holding up her application form, all filled out and ready to go. Her enthusiasm was interrupted by the sound of a book hitting the ground.

"You were what?" Her father asked, his voice dangerously quiet.

"Uh... recommended for the Chunin Exams?" Sen repeated, faltering a little bit at the look on her father's face.

The man slammed his fist down onto the arm of the chair, rising up quicker than Sen had ever seen him move. "You haven't even been a Genin for a year and they're recommending you for that bloodbath? Are they insane? Don't they know how many people die during that test?!" Sen paled at the sight of her father's rage, swallowing thickly.

"I know it's dangerous. Eri Sensei told us that it would be. But I am a Ninja, my life will be dangerous no matter what. If I can't get stronger by doing stuff like this, then I don't deserve to be one. Eri Sensei also told us that they'll try and prevent as many deaths as possible. I'll also have my team with me." Sen said, her voice firm. There was no way her father was talking her out of taking the exams. If Eri Sensei thought that they were good enough to apply then that was enough for her. "Dad I value your opinion and love you very dearly, but you've never seen me fight, not for real. You have no way of knowing whether or not I'm really strong enough."

Takeshi sighed and nodded. "I suppose you're right. How long do you have?"

"I have three days until the day I have to submit my application."

"Then come with me, I want to teach you something."

"Wait, Dad, I will come with you but I was wondering... could we maybe get that tattoo done today? It's still early in the day and there are enough hours for it. I want it just...well, because you never know, I suppose." Sen hesitated, rubbing her right shoulder, where her other tattoo was.

Sen's father smiled grimly before nodding. "Make sure you bring Gorudo with. The artist will need to look at his feathers."

"Wait...don't we have a sketch or picture of Katsumi's tattoo? With Go's permission, I'd like it to match hers." She looked at the bird expectantly, waiting for an answer.

'I think that is a fine idea, Milady. It's going on your arm so you should do what you want with it, after all.'

"Go says it's okay... so... can I do that?" She asked hopefully, staring up at her dad. 

"I suppose. But I'm warning you ahead of time, it's going to hurt."

"Irezumi always do, dad. I'm ready." Sen smiled reassuringly at her dad before moving out of the house, her father trailing behind. They walked to the other end of the village, near the outskirts of absolutely everything. By a small waterfall there was an old house, isolated from the rest of the village. Outside it sat an old man carving something out of a stalk of bamboo. Sen waved an arm and trotted up to the old man, calling, "Grampa Kentaro!"The man looked up, a little startled, but when he recognized Sen he broke out in a massive smile. 

His Little Bird [A Naruto Fanfiction] [Shikamaru x OC]Where stories live. Discover now