[3] Goodbye

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AN: I'm baaaaack with another chapter because I'm still injured and still can't do anything ;-;

Seriously. It's the worst. I can't even turn my head /sigh. Anyway, I hope you like this chapter and as a side note I don't own any of the photos I use in this, unless I say so otherwise (which I'm like 99% sure I never will because I suck at drawing ;3; )

Speaking of photos, that's Sen's elder sister, Katsumi, and her bird, Gōrudo. (That's not what he actually looks like - he's a golden eagle, but lemme tell you, finding an anime girl holding a bird that's not a sparrow is pretty much impossible.)

Edit (7/14) I've edited this to remove POV changes - if you see anything I missed or miswrote, please don't hesitate to tell me :)


"Come with you? Where? I don't even know you!" Sen exclaimed, stomping her foot. A puff of dust rose into the air and she folded her arms across her chest. "There's no way I'm going with you."

The man in the mask sighed, "I've been instructed to bring you to see Lord Hokage."

"H-Hokage-sama? Why?"

"I wasn't given that information. I was just told to bring you with me." He said, holding out his hand. "Now if you don't mind, let's go."

Sen hesitantly reached out to grab his hand, and with that he pulled the small girl up onto his back. Startled, Sen squirmed about for a few moments. "You don't have to carry me, you know." She snipped, "I can walk."

"Yes, you can. But it's much faster this way." He quipped before taking off, bounding from rooftop to rooftop like some sort of gazelle as Sen just hung on for dear life. She really didn't like it when anyone but her dad, Miko, or Akaihane carried her. Finally, he slowed down indicating they had arrived at their destination. He placed the girl on the ground and trotted up the steps, Sen hurrying to keep up with his long strides.

"I wish I knew what Hokage-sama wanted." The young girl mused, and the ANBU peeked back at her.

"You'll find out soon enough."

Her eyes narrowed at the man. "So you do know!" Her voice held an accusatory tone.

"Even if I did, which I don't, it wouldn't be my place to tell you. What would be the point of brining you here if I did know?"

Sen grumbled at his logic, muttering something under her breath about 'stupid, stubborn cat-face.' A vein popped out of his forehead as he muttered something back, containing the words 'stupid,' 'little girl,' and 'ungrateful brat.' Sen snarled, but they both knew she wasn't going to attack him. He may think the girl was stupid, but she would tell him that she wasn't in a heartbeat if she had the chance.

Suddenly, the ANBU stopped dead and Sen ran smack into his back. "Oof! Hey what the hell was that for?!" She raged, a vein or two popping out of her forehead for the umpteenth time that day.

He just turned and looked at her, his gaze and voice cool. "We're here."


"I'll be taking my leave then, Sen Hatori." Sen simply nodded her thanks, and the ANBU teleported away in a puff of white smoke. She stood outside the door for a few more moments, battling with herself before knocking lightly.

"Come in." An old man's voice sounded, and Sen smiled. Despite how old the Hokage was, Sen thought that he was cool, and always enjoyed being able to visit him. She had even got him to teach her how to play the board game he always played with his son. Shogi, if she remembered correctly. She was terrible though, there were too many things to remember and there was no one to play with but the Hokage and he was always too busy. She opened the door and there sat the Hokage, and surrounding him was her family.

His Little Bird [A Naruto Fanfiction] [Shikamaru x OC]Where stories live. Discover now