[6] Underneath the Underneath

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AN: Yo! Welcome to chapter six of His Little Bird. The picture above, which again I do not own, is of Akaihane. I was tempted to put one where he's got his head all twisted upside down but I decided to save a little bit of the poor bird's dignity. I hope you enjoy the chapter!


Third Person POV

Sen rolled out of bed slowly as her alarm went off and groaned. She felt horrible. She hadn't slept well last night, and now she wasn't supposed to eat breakfast either? The idea of cheating ran across Sen's mind, but she dismissed it quickly as it wasn't the honorable thing to do. Her raptors, on the other hand - she would make sure they were fed. No way would she let them come with her on an empty stomach. They, like most of the Hatori Clan birds,. were notorious for getting extremely crabby when hungry. The two stirred beside her and Sen turned to look at the two birds. "Go and get something to eat."

"But Milady, your Sensei said..." Gorudo started, obviously hesitating.

"I know what she said, but she only said that us humans couldn't eat, not that you guys couldn't." Sen responded sternly. "Now go eat!" They both made noises of understanding and flew out the window. She sighed and turned to her closet, pulling out an outfit nearly identical to the one she'd worn the day before. However, this time the outfit was colored burgundy and gold instead of black and gold. Moving to the mirror, Sen stared at herself and studied the tattoo of the four hawk feathers on her shoulder. "Should I get a new one because of Gorudo?" The girl muttered to herself. She stared at it for a moment longer before trotting down the stairs. Sen knew her father would be awake, and she could spare the minute to ask him, but she couldn't linger long for fear of being late.

"Oto-san?"Sen called, popping her head into the kitchen. He sat there with a book and some tea, his hair mussed from sleep and his eyes still half-shut.

"What is it, Sen?"

"I was just wondering... about Gorudo." He cocked an eyebrow, waiting for his young daughter to continue. "Well... am I gonna have to get another tattoo of feathers because I have two birds now? Or no because he's not technically my companion?"

Takeshi stared at her for a moment, processing the question, then sighed. "Well, Sen, you know nothing like this has ever happened before...so I'm not sure what would have been done in the past. I suppose I'll leave it up to you, though. If you want to get a tattoo of Gorudo's feathers, it may not hurt. It may bring the two of you closer together. However, that mark is generally reserved for a Shinobi and their companion, so it's something you would have to ask Gorudo." The girl nodded before her eyes flickered over to stare at the clock.

"I have to go, but I'll talk with Go about it and tell you what he says, okay Oto-san?"

He nodded then stopped. "Wait, aren't you going to have breakfast?"

"I can't, Eri Sensei said that we shouldn't eat otherwise we'd end up puking!"

A drop of sweat appeared on his forehead, "You got... Shimazaki Eri... as your Sensei?"

Sen turned to look at her father again. "Umm, Eri Sensei? Yeah. Why?"

"Oh...nothing." He quickly perked up, an obviously fake smile plastered on his face. Sen simply shook her head and walked out the door. As soon as she was gone, her father let out a breath and another sweat drop appeared. "Great." He muttered under his breath.

"What's great, Takeshi?" Suki asked, yawning widely as she glided down the last few stairs, her hand resting lightly on the railing.

"You'll never guess who Sen's Sensei is." He muttered, staring down at his tea.

His Little Bird [A Naruto Fanfiction] [Shikamaru x OC]Where stories live. Discover now