[10] Stupid Rich Boy

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AN: Baaaaaack. I hope y'all like this chapter. Pretty soon after this I'll start getting into the Chunin exams and the like - I'll probably have Sen meet up with friends so she can catch up on all that's going on in the world, since she has no idea the outcome of the fight against Zabuza and stuff. She's been too busy :P

This is a photo of snobby rich feudal lord kid. I don't like him very much.


Sen's alarm went off at 5:30 the next morning and per her usual routine, she groaned loudly before slapping her hand down to turn it off. "I hate that stupid damn thing." She grumbled into her pillow as she lay flat on her stomach, trying to forget about her responsibilities and go back to sleep. She hadn't slept well after she woke up screaming from her nightmare, and her arm still hurt where she'd been stabbed with that thing in her dream. Sen gasped, "Speaking of which..." She sat up quickly and pulled the sleeve of her t-shirt up to reveal her shoulder, then moved over to the mirror, studying her appendage closely. Lo and behold, there it was. A small puncture wound that could easily have been left by a needle. 

"What the hell happened last night?" She wondered aloud, a spear of worry slicing through her stomach. She rubbed the mark for a moment before sighing and turning away from the mirror, moving to get ready for the day. She pulled out a backpack, something she didn't normally carry, and slipped some spare weapons, dried fruits, meat and nuts, a first aid kit and a few other things into the bag. "Oh!" She cried before turning to her desk and rummaging through the drawers, slamming it shut when she couldn't find what she was looking for.

"Daaaad!" She called, tramping down the stairs, not thinking about how she was probably waking the whole house at the moment. She just needed to get going! She had to try that jutsu like that guy told her to in her dream. 

"What is it, Sen?" The tired looking clan head asked, peering at her with one eye open and the other scrunched shut.

"Do you have any spare scrolls? I'm all out and I have to leave soon so I don't have time to run to the market."

The man nodded. "Mhmm...they're in the top right drawer of my...wait. Sen."

Sen's brow furrowed, wondering why her father stopped talking like that. His eyes had suddenly snapped open and he was looking much more alert than he had been before. "What?"

"Do you have your Eagle Eye activated?" He asked sharply, his eyes narrowed.

"N-no? I can't even do that Jutsu for more than five seconds yet, Dad, you know that!" Sen cried, now worried in earnest.

"Then why..."

"Why what?"

"Look in a mirror..." 

Sen rushed over to the bathroom on the ground floor and skidded to a stop in front of the mirror, flicking on the light. She looked up at the reflective surface and her jaw dropped. "M-my eyes!" She cried out, pulling at the skin beneath one as she studied it closely. "What's going on?!" Her father walked up to lean against the door frame and his daughter turned to stare at him, tears welling up. "Why are my eyes gold?" They weren't a normal Hatori clan gold either. They were a brilliant hue of the shiny metallic color, brighter than the average Hatori clan member's eyes. 

"I...don't know."

After staring at him for a few moments longer she wiped the tears away. "I...have to go get ready to leave. I have to meet with my team soon. Bye dad." She pushed past him, forgetting all about the scrolls she'd intended to grab. Her mind was fixated on something entirely different, trying out the Eagle Eye Jutsu. When she reached the field across from her clan's compound, however, Shikamaru was already there staring up at the first tendrils of light casting across the sky. "Shoot." She muttered, she'd really been hoping to do this by herself.

His Little Bird [A Naruto Fanfiction] [Shikamaru x OC]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora