[1] A New Friend?

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AN: Ohayou! It's early as hecking heck and I don't have anything to do right now...so I guess I'm writing another chapter. I figure I should also mention that the Hatori clan can communicate with their birds. They speak out loud and the birds can understand. However, because the way birds of prey communicate isn't exactly discrete (and thus not suitable for stealth missions), they can communicate either silently (thought projection), audibly (normal screeches and stuff) and in very very rare circumstances they can opt to project their thoughts to others/speak so they can understand. Note that this like literally almost never happens. So when I say something like "he did the noise-making thing as if to say alright author quit yammering, jeez louise." Then the bird is actually saying that. I just word things weird ;-; Also there may be some POV changes *wiggles fingers mysteriously*.

This is pretty much just Naruto Season 1 Episode 1 with Sen inserted in. So...sorry if this is a repetitive thing for you .3.

Anyway...enjoy the chapter. Comment, vote (honestly idek what that function is ;-; ), whatever else you can do on this website.




"Now listen, Naruto," Iruka-sensei scolded, his finger wagging at the young boy in the orange jumpsuit, "You failed the last graduation test, and the one before that. This is no time to be goofing off, you fool!" Naruto simply turned his head away, the best he could do in his current state, considering he was tied up, and made a blehh noise at Iruka Sensei.

The biggest irk mark Sen had ever seen appeared on her sensei's forehead. "That Naruto," she muttered, "How is it he's so good at making other people so...angry?" Akaihane quietly cooed in agreement, He is quite the interesting child. One can't help but almost feel bad for him...the way he continually looks for any sort of attention like that. 

"I do feel bad for him. No adult wants to go near him, as far as I know he has no family, and because the parents tell their children to stay away, no one will be his friend. I'd talk to him...but if mom found out..." Sen shuddered at the thought, picturing the chaos that would ensue. She wasn't sure why her mother cared, but she never made a habit of disobeying the woman. Both her, and her equally overprotective gyrfalcon, were absolutely terrifying, even when they weren't actually angry. 

What if no one was friends with you because their parents said so, how would that make you feel? Akaihane scolded softly, How would that make you feel?

Sen sighed, she hated it that her bird was so wise...and as a result was almost always right, "It would make me feel horrible of course, but..."

No buts. Akaihane cut her off, much more sternly this time.

Sen let out a low groan, which Iruka sensei heard, and Sen sweatdropped as his angered gaze met hers. She mouthed out a silent "gomen, gomen!" a panicked expression taking over her features. Then, she turned her own glare on the bird, "It's not fair that I have to get in trouble for both of us because I can't do your weird mind thingy!" She snipped quietly, "But I guess you do have a point about Naruto...maybe I'll talk to him after class today."

It's graduation tomorrow, don't forget that. Akaihane reminded her, she didn't respond, just nodded and cast the bird a look that said 'You really thought I would forget that?'  And with that, she turned her attention back to the front of the class. Just in time too, for as soon as she started to pay attention, Iruka quit grinding his teeth at Naruto and whirled around to face the class, finger pointing towards the group of young ninja-hopefuls. 

His Little Bird [A Naruto Fanfiction] [Shikamaru x OC]Where stories live. Discover now