Chapter Twenty One: Cinema visit gone terribly bad

Start from the beginning

"I don't think we need more then one," Jay and Luke say at the same time.

"Oh alright I guess your right. But who said you two can gang up on me!" I protest.

"Didn't realize that was a rule," says Luke looking at me.

"Well it is now!"

"Of course it is," says Jay laughing at me.

"Hey you seeing this Luke," I say to him.

Luke looks at Jay and then smiles too, "Yeah so what."

"Oh come on Luke. Your meant to support me. I am your boyfriend!" I plead.

"Not with this," Luke simple says as he orders three drinks, three small popcorn's and one tray of nachos and hands over the money from his wallet.

"I was going to get it," I go to say.

"My treat for abandoning you at Uni the both of you," Luke adds.

"You never abandoned us but thanks Luke," Jay says as he takes his drink  and popcorn and I do the same.

"The film is in ten," I say as we head over to where they are checking the tickets.

We get our tickets checked over before they let us straight through. We head along the carpet and stop outside the men toilets.

"Anyone need to go?" I ask them. Jay shakes his head but Luke seemed to be unsure. "Luke?" I ask.

"Oh yeah," he says putting his stuff on top of the bin before going into the toilets.

I look at Jay, "That was a bit strange,'" Jay admits.

I nod my head, "A bit," I laugh.

Suddenly a loud thud was heard from within the male toilets. I left my stuff on the bin next to Luke's making sure to tell Jay to wait here before I rush inside.

I knew something wasn't quite right when I find some sort of strange liquid on the floor just by the door. Its not blood, hell its not human! I can even tell that.

"Luke!" I call his name looking frantic around the toilet.

"Over here!" I hear Luke shout back. I rush around the corner to find Luke on the ground currently trying to get a large bin off himself.

"What the hell happened?" I ask him as I help him to his feet.

"I don't know what it was," Luke says.

"Alien?" I ask.

"Well what else would it be," Luke sighs looking annoyed.

"Where it go?"

"It fled. I suggest we just go and watch the movie. This is meant to be a normal weekend," he tells me.

"Are you sure?" I ask him.

He looks at me with his eyes full of worry, "No."

"Luke," I begin.

"Whatever it was, it was hurt. It was scared of me but yet I thought I was making process but then it just got all violent and chucked the bin at me," says Luke looking very confused.

"What does Lenny think?" I ask.

"He is just as confused as I am," says Luke.

"Who the heck is Lenny?" booms Jay's voice from behind us making us both jump before we turn to him.

"Don't ever do that again alright Jay!" I warn him.

"Well why are you whispering and why the heck is the bin on the ground. What happened in here and I still want to know who Lenny is," says Jay firmly.

My eyes land on Luke trying ask what he wanted to do. I leave this to him. Its his secret. Its his world. I might be apart of it but its Luke's choice if Jay knows or not.

Luke seemed to already be searching his brain for the perfect cover up and he really would of probably got away with it but all hell broke lose.

A middle size green size alien jumped out from the shadows forcing itself against Luke with such force I watch as my boyfriend is brought roughly to the ground with a loud thud.

I look down at the scene in front of me in shock unable to move. Jay sprung into action grabbing hold of the green alien's long green arms chucking it off Luke with quite a tough shove.

Luke looks up at Jay in shock unable to find words, just like I can't right at this moment in time.

"What the heck is that!" Jay demands.

"A Slitheen," Luke said in a low whisper almost like he didn't want to say it at all but I can't tell if its because he is having to tell Jay or because of what we are actually facing.

"Hold on but you said you didn't know what it was," I say to Luke.

"The Slitheen isn't what attacked me a moment ago," Luke tells me.

"Seriously?"I ask confused.

"What the heck is that thing?" Jay demands this time.

"An alien. Its called a Slitheen and what attacked me before was also alien but I don't know what it was," Luke tells Jay.

Jay's mouth falls open, "What!" Jay says looking very confused.

"Its coming back for seconds," I say warning Luke.

Luke steps in front of Jay and I, "What do you want Slitheen!"

"How do you know what race I am!" the Slitheen demands.

"I have come across your kind more then once and even the Blathereen. What are you doing on Earth?" Luke asks.

"He has come to kill me," whispers a voice from behind us. I turn to face a small size alien, its almost like an elf but is purple and only has one eye. I can tell it is no more then a child. It looks scared but this time it seemed to wrap its arms around Luke's legs.

"Why is he trying to kill you? I'm Luke do you have a name?" he asks the small alien.

"I don't remember my name. Only that I crashed and I have been running from Slitheen I don't know why but I must run so I don't get killed. I don't want to die," the alien whispers to Luke but I can hear every word.

"You was scared of me," Luke says.

The small alien gives a small nod, "Until I realized you are not a threat."

"How do you know he isn't a threat?" Jay asked causally. I look at him with fury eyes. This isn't the time for stupid remarks right now.

"I just know. I don't know how, I am sorry for pushing the bin on you."

"Don't worry about it," smiles Luke.

"Step away before I have to kill you all!" The Slitheen suddenly says stepping closer towards us, Luke being closest I panic gripping Luke's hand. I remember the Slitheen. They are the ones that hurt Luke and nearly broke him. They beat him up pretty bad and even gave him a broken rib.

I remember parts of it. I had locked myself in Luke's bathroom to try get my head around it. I had been so scared back then.  That's why they tried to make me forget but it had come back and I don't think I could ever forget that. But yet for a moment I really didn't know that this alien was a Slitheen, I had forgot. But that isn't really important right now.

Luke held my hand tight and used his other hand to try comfort the small alien hanging onto him for dear life. Poor little guy...

All I really know is a fine day out. A visit to the Cinema has gone terribly bad. Just another typical day as Luke Smith's boyfriend, nothing to really see here!

Also we have missed the start of the film now!


Needs Editing!!!!!

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