Chapter Twenty One: Cinema visit gone terribly bad

Start from the beginning

"I just hope things go alright the next couple days with Jay. Its been ages since I hanged with him and something always felt strange with Jay but I never knew why," I tell Lenny.

"Just enjoy yourself Luke. Its about time you did for a change. Forget aliens, forget being paranoid. Least once go and be a normal seventeen year old because its almost over," Lenny tells me.

"I suppose you are right. I turn eighteen soon," I whisper. Even though in reality I am only turning four.

"Exactly," says Lenny.

"Earth to Luke," says Sanjay snapping me from my thoughts.

"Yeah sorry what did you say?"

"I said you got any food we both starving!" says Sanjay.

"Did you want to go out for lunch? I mean I got stuff here but we could go out to eat before we go to the cinema," I suggest.

"Sounds like a good plan," says Jay patting me on the shoulder as he gets up off the sofa.

"Lets go then," says Sanjay.

"Hold on who is driving?" I ask.

"I can drive if you want but I don't mind," says Sanjay.

"I'll drive. You just drove up from Oxford have a rest," I wink as I grab my keys off the side.

"Oh you just wanna show off!" shouts Sanjay as I head to the door.

"Me show off? Why would I do that," I smile as I kiss Sanjay on the cheek before we head outside.

Sanjay stops me before getting into the car, "Luke maybe take this just encase," he says to me as he hands my sonic pen that I had managed to get back of Ruby. I nod before I put it into my pocket with my wallet and phone. Yes another new phone after Tom had destroyed my other new one.

I climb into the car with Sanjay beside me and Jay in the back. I reverse my car around Sanjay's before I head onto the road and head towards the town where we will eat and then wait about to watch our movie at the cinema.

Sanjay's POV

"No I don't think if we connected Luke's brain up to a computer that Luke could get any smarter," I laugh at the thought.

"Why not," Jay complains.

"Oh come on guys stop messing about and picking on my higher intelligence to you," says Luke.

"Oh is it hitting a nerve," I laugh.

"Well of course it is," Jay joins in.

"We are only joking around Lukey boy," I say taking his hand and smirk at him.

"I know. So you have the tickets right?" Luke asks.

"Yeah in my wallet. I wouldn't of forgot them. Been looking forward to this since Wednesday when I booked them. It better live up to the hype," I say.

"I think it will," Jay smiles at me.

"Did you want to get popcorn?" Luke asks.

"Well of course Luke. Cinema visit isn't complete with out popcorn and a drink. Oh I could go for some nachos," grins Jay.

"I could too," I say looking at Luke out the corner of my eye.

"Why not you only live once," Luke smiles.

"There we go Luke that's what we should do live. Live for now come on I am still hungry after that food. Maybe get two pots of nachos," I say as we head inside the cinema and straight towards where we can buy goodies for the movie.

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