Epilogue: Getting Back To Normal

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Two weeks later…..


“Tell me again why we’re out here? It’s freezing,” I said even through my chattering teeth.

“Oh come on,” Aidan said. “It’s…”

“Not romantic. It’s freezing. We’re laying in the middle of a field. It’s dark…”

“But there are stars…”

“And I can see my breath,” I smiled, “and I think my fingers are going numb.”

“Didn’t you wear gloves?”

“Gloves are for wimps,” I said, taking a line out of my brother’s book.  

“Then don’t complain.”

“What am I looking for again?”


“Why am I looking for her?”

“Just…shh,” Aidan said laughing.

I rolled over and looked at him. “It’s not happening, Aidan.”

He looked over at me. “You just have no patience.”

“I’m a Slayer. We’re not meant to sit still.”

“I did not know that,” he said, smiling. “Because knowing you, I never would have guessed it.”

“You’re hilarious.”

“Well it’s true. You always sit still and never fidget.”

I kissed him. “Don’t be a pain. Come on.”

I stood up and pulled him up. “Where are we going?”

“It’s nine o’clock on a Saturday night. We are not going to lay on the football field and freeze.”

He smiled. “Then what are we going to do?”

“Go warm up.”



“You’re doing that avoiding thing again,” he said, pulling me back against him.

I smiled. “Well, at least I’m not doing that dying thing you love so much.”

“Oh yes because that was exciting. Compared to that, the past two weeks have been boring.”

“Well at least we’re out alone,” I said. “I could still have the two tails.”

“I still don’t think they let you out by yourself. I’m sure one of them is here somewhere.”

I smiled. “Bleachers, announcer’s box.”

Aidan looked up and squinted. “How do you know?”

I shrugged. “I’m just that good.”

Truth was the only reason I knew was because it was Michael. If it was Luke I would have no clue. Over the past week, I was able to tell where Michael was and what mood he was in.

Right now he was calm but unhappy. He normally felt that way when I was with Aidan. But this was the way things had to be.

“No you’re not,” Aidan said. “Come on, Mark’s throwing a party in a few hours. We can hang out until then.”

I turned around and looked at him. “Hang out?” I continued to walk backwards. “Or hang out?”

“Depends,” he said. “Which one do you prefer?”

The Beginning (Book One in The Illusion of Certainty Series)Where stories live. Discover now