The Punishment

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Someone suggested I put a warning on this chapter so I'm going to go ahead and do that. THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS VIOLENCE. READ WITH CAUTION. 

I spent the rest of the day in my room. My father knocked on the door a few times. I told him I was fine and I would come out when I was ready. He tried to make me feel better by telling me that my mother had also barricaded herself in their room. When I didn’t say anything he left me alone. He wasn’t the only one to knock. I had a stream of visitors. My brother knocked every thirty minutes, Luke knocked two or three times, even my best friend Sophie stopped by. But I didn’t want to see anyone. I needed to deal with this on my own. My only problem was I left my window open. My cat, Pickles, climbed through and was now sitting on my lap demanding my attention.

When the sun began to set, I decided to get ready and stop feeling sorry for myself. I put on my gear which consisted of tight fitting black material which resembled something close to leather. But unlike leather, this material wasn’t completely stiff. It allowed me to move easily but protected me from various other things. There was a delicate pattern embroidered on it. My mother had told me once that it told the history of our family line. However the translation had been lost a long time ago.

I normally didn’t wear anything under it other than a sports bra but since I would be taking the top part of my gear off, I had to put on a white shirt. I put my hair up in a tight ponytail, like I was taught. I always thought it made me look severe, more angry.

I opened my door and found my whole family standing in front of it. My mother was dressed the same as me. My father and brother were both dressed similarly. Their gear was much like my mother’s and mine but the color was sapphire blue and the pattern was different. Luke was wearing black slacks and a black cotton t-shirt. The cat was entwining herself through my legs meowing softly.

“I’m ready,” I said.

My father nodded and headed for the door without saying a word. My mother still had tears in her eyes but I could tell she was trying not to start crying again.

“My brave girl,” she said. She walked to me and cupped my face with both of her hands. She kissed me on the forehead and then hugged me. She stepped back and my brother took her place. He may be a year younger than me but he was still strong.

“Oxygen, brother, I need it.”


He released me and I looked over at Luke. He had a sad smile on his face.

“We should get going,” he said.

I nodded and we headed for the door.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Hekati met us at the doors to the Hall. I heard a lot of talking coming from inside. Hekati asked me a few questions and after I answered them she disappeared through the doorway.

“Whenever you’re ready,” Luke said.

We were alone in the hallway. My family had already made their way into the Hall. I nodded solemnly and I opened the doors. I hadn’t been in the Hall in years. It was usually closed off. It was a grand room. The ceiling consisted of one big hole that represented the point where light first touched the earth. On the walls were various portraits of different ancestors from the various races. Symbols and shields also graced the walls. But at this point you couldn’t see for all the people who had gathered in the Hall. My father stood off to one side with the top half of his gear removed and whip in his hand. My mother stood next to my brother off to my father’s right. Michael stood to his left. His hands were behind his back and he wore his version of the battle gear. His gear was a dark red, appropriate I guess. As I walked in, the doors behind me closed by themselves. The room was lit by several chandeliers and candles set on the wall. I stopped in the center of the room and waited for everyone to calm down.

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