Sparks Fly

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“Why am I attracted to the dangerous guys?” I asked.

Sophie sat in front of me on my bed. She was painting my toes, trying to help me relax.

“Because you’re dangerous. You’re the alpha female. So naturally you seek out the alpha male. Sounds like Michael fits that description,” Sophie smiled and looked up at me.

“Behavioral science again?” I smiled.

“It was a good class. You should’ve paid attention.” She dabbed on a little more polish on my big toe and then capped it. “There. Done.”

“I’m serious Soph. Why can’t I just find one guy that isn’t dark or dangerous?”

“If you don’t want dark or dangerous, go with Mark. He’s a nice normal guy.”

“Nah. I like him too much.” Sophie smiled at me. “As a friend!”

“Then go with Aidan. He’s dark, dangerous, sexy…”

I smiled. “Yeah but he’s…I don’t know…dated too many girls? He has way too much experience for me.”

“That just adds to the property value. You could play with him and then discard him. Wouldn’t even hurt his feelings.”

“Yeah but it would damage his ego and our friendship.”

“Do you feel anything for him…besides friendship?”

“I don’t know…I’ve never thought about it. Not really anyways.”

“Well maybe it’s time you should.”

I walked across the quad, my overnight bag slug over my shoulder. It looked like it was going to rain very soon so I tried to walk as quickly as possible without looking rushed. Luke soon fell into step next to me, tired of playing to the shadows.

“So…tell me about Mr. Hanover.”

“You know everything about Aidan without me having to tell you. He’s been my friend for years.”

Luke nodded. “He’s not good for you.”

“Who is?” I looked at him. “I’m lonely Luke. I would like to have a guy who adores me and takes up all my time. Being by myself just…isn’t appealing anymore.”

He opened the door to my parents’ building and held it for me. We walked down the hall, both quiet and thoughtful.

“Pick someone else, Gee. He’s not good for you.”

“You keep saying that…”

“We’ve both seen what he does to girls. He breaks up with them and then comes flirting to you. You keep him warm by flirting back while he searches for a new one. You’re ok with it because you don’t want him around all the time. That’s all he is Gee. A space saver. He’s no good.”

“What if that changes?”

“Then I will be surprised.”

“I’ve heard that a lot today.”

Luke cracked a smile. “Then maybe you should start listening.”

“Then I wouldn’t be me!”

I opened the door to my home and walked in, Luke following behind. He closed the door and followed me to the living room, our previous conversation now lost to the hallway behind us.

“Hey Mom,” I waved to her.

She was sitting on the couch watching TV. She waved back at me and I went to my room, dropping off my bag. I knocked on my brother’s door.

The Beginning (Book One in The Illusion of Certainty Series)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum