The First Kiss

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When I exited the locker room I found Michael and Luke in a hushed heated argument. Neither of them noticed me and as I approached I caught snippets of their conversation.

“…going to do is break her heart. I’m not going to allow that. She is too important.”

“Important how Lukas? Hm? She’s just a girl; she doesn’t know the importance of her existence yet.”

“What’s going on?” I asked from behind them.

Both men turned around and finally noticed me standing a few feet away. I looked from one man’s face to the other. The guilty look on Michael could have choked a horse. Luke, as usual, looked stony faced. However, a slight flush had come to his cheeks.

“Well?” I demanded. I approached them and both men tensed.

“Nothing,” Michael said.

I narrowed my eyes at him. “I’m pretty sure there is something going on. You two look close to coming to blows.”

“We were just having a conversation Gee, nothing to worry about,” Luke said.

I studied them for a few moments but then nodded. “Ok, if you say so.” I started for the door and Luke followed me. After we left the building and were well on our way I said, “What was that really about?”

“It was just an argument Gee.”

“A heated argument. The last time I saw you that mad was when I ran off into the woods alone when I was nine.”

He chuckled but then turned to face me. “You should stay away from him Gee. He’s dangerous.”

“I know he’s dangerous. But he’s only a fledgling. He can’t hurt me.”

“He’s more than a fledgling, Gee. Michael is different from your other Vampire friends.”

I nodded. “I’ve noticed.”

“What have you noticed?”

“His behavior is different. He strongly resembles an adult Vampire but has the body of a fledgling.”

He nodded, a frown crinkling his face. I didn’t think he was going to say anything else and when he did speak, I had to strain to hear him, “Be careful Gee. I don’t trust him.”

Later that night I was in my room studying for the herb test. I couldn’t seem to memorize the many meanings for the different herbs.

I heard a tap on my window. Pickles usually did this at night to come back in. I didn’t think much of it when I went over and opened the window without actually looking at who was there. I headed back to my bed with my eyes fully trained on the book.


I jumped halfway to the ceiling. My book dropped out of my hands. I looked at the window, startled. Pickles didn’t talk, but the figure filling my window did.

“God! Michael! You scared me.”

He smiled at me and chuckled. Pickles meowed somewhere outside. He turned away and came back with her in his arms. She was purring and rubbing her head against his chin.

“Is this lovely creature yours?” he asked.

“She’s my cat.”

He looked up at me. “I wasn’t talking to you.” Pickles meowed and he scratched the top of her head. He put her down on the floor. “Can I come in?”

“You can’t just come in on your own?”

“Of course but I heard it was more polite if you ask.”

The Beginning (Book One in The Illusion of Certainty Series)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora