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A/N: Ok there is actually two songs for this chapter. I know, I'm providing you a soundtrack. I'm such a horrible author! lol One of them is the video on the right and the other is When The Stars Go Blue by Ryan Adams. Hope you enjoy!

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The day passed and nothing happened. By lunch time I was granted actual substance besides cup-o-noodles. I was now allowed to drink ginger ale and eat spaghetti.

I still had to sit out of sparring class. The first half was boring as hell. The girls were all getting better, even Harriet. I wasn't going to tell her that though. When the boys came out though, my heart really started racing. Hektor had worked them hard today. Most of the boys came out panting and sweating.

Aidan was no different. He'd taken the top half off his gear putting the top half of his body on display. Of course it was wasted on the boys but when he stepped out of the smaller arena, all the girls stared at him. I couldn't help but laugh to myself and avert my eyes. I liked staring at my boyfriend's body and I hadn't been able to do it since the night I'd snuck into his room. But I wanted to do it in private where every move I made wasn't being watched by my Guardian and...well...Michael.

Aidan came over and sat down next to me.

"Can you not do that?"

He laughed. "Do what?"

I motioned at his top half. "I would love to oogle you but there are too many people around."

"My girlfriend is modest," he teased.

He slipped on the white t-shirt he'd grabbed on his way over.

"Better?" he asked.

I heard a collective sigh from the girls and smiled at him. "You know I think those girls have an eye candy crush on you."

"A what?"

"You are what we girls like to call eye candy."

"You think I'm eye candy?" He smiled.

I couldn't help but laugh. "I don't know. That's a hard question."

His smile got bigger. "So you don't think I'm eye candy? Wow. That's the first time I've ever heard that I was ugly." He looked over at the gaggle of girls.

I touched his face, bringing his attention back. "I never said you were ugly. That word would probably never apply to you. I'm not here to inflate your ego, that's not why I'm dating you."

He leaned in closely brushing hair back from my ear. "You're right. You're dating me because devotion and passion drive you to."

I couldn't help but smile. The carnations were starting to be a focal point for us. He kissed the side of my face next to my ear and I did everything I could not to react. He pulled back and looked at me, keeping his hand in my hair.

"I'm not dating you because of those things either," I whispered. "I'm dating you for the way you make me feel. You're like a balm to my chapped skin. You make everything else go away."

He smiled, his eyes holding the serious tone we'd some how dropped into. "And you, Ana, are starting to mean everything to me." He closed the rest of the distance and kissed me.

It didn't last as long as I wanted it to because someone cleared their throat in front of us. We slid apart and looked at the person who dared to interrupt what was promising to turn into something....

"No public displays of affection, you know that," Sabain said.

"Sorry," Aidan said softly.

"Get back to class Hanover," she said.

The Beginning (Book One in The Illusion of Certainty Series)Where stories live. Discover now