Everything Is Just Fine

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I woke up a few hours later. The last dream sending me into a tailspin. It was both my memory and then his. Like they were squished together, one continuing where the other left off. Granted I’d totally forgot about that day but it was still unnerving how it meshed so well together.

I squinted against the sunshine. My mouth was severely dry. I wrapped my hand in the paper thin blanket and pulled it over my face. The sun was so, so bright.

“Gee,” someone called softly.

I pulled the blanket down and looked. There was no one there.


Where had that come from? I turned my head slowly, trying to find the source of who was calling my name.

“Over here….”

I looked over and saw another privacy curtain was pulled.

“Who’s there?”

“Aw Georgie…”

I heard a tinkle of laughter. I blinked and sitting on the tray in front of me were dandelions. I hadn’t liked those since I was a kid. I’d told Sebastis that they were my favorite flower and he proceeded to tell me that they were weeds.

I heard the door swing open and I looked over. Aidan walked in, messenger bag slung over his shoulder. He brightened when he saw I was awake.

“Hey sleepy head. How are you feeling?”

“Like a pin cushion,” I said, moving to sit up.

I wrapped one hand around my middle, and with great pain I managed to do it on my own. Aidan tried to help but I shooed him away. I scooted over and patted the bed next to me. He dropped his bag in the chair and climbed up next to me. I cuddled next to him, resting my face on his chest. He ran his fingers through my hair and held my hand.

“I’m sorry about free night. I’ve somehow managed to screw up every attempt at being alone with you.”

“We’re alone now.”

“Yeah and I also have a stitched hole in my midsection.”

“Adds to the appeal,” he joked. “Even adds a hint of mystery.”

“You think I have mystery?” I asked looking up at him.

“Every time I think I understand you, you do something to blow it out of the water.”


“I never pictured you as a throw-yourself-to-the-wolves type. But then again I shouldn’t have been surprised. You are a Slayer and protecting the people you care about is what you stand for.”

“I couldn’t let them hurt any of you.”

“I know. But we can also protect ourselves. That’s what sparring class is for.”

“It would’ve been a massacre, Aidan.”

“It nearly was. There were wounded. You missed how busy it was in here. But they’ve all healed. Except you.”

“I’m working on it. Should only be a couple more days. I’m hoping anyways. Until then I’m stuck here. In this sterile hell hole.”

“It’s not too bad. I spent my weekend here, I should know.”

“Did you get hurt?”

“No. I was waiting on you. Your brother is right though, you do snore.”

I smiled. “Thanks for that.”

“You’re welcome.”

He kissed me lightly and then looked at me.

The Beginning (Book One in The Illusion of Certainty Series)Where stories live. Discover now