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Maya: I remember, not so long ago, I got a hate comment on this story. It was the usual,"Wow, WTF is wrong with you ya freak?!" That kind of stuffs. I wasn't offended, I just mentally handles it with an 'IDGAF' attitude, like I usually do. But for some reason, I can't find the comment.

Maya: I think my friends may have gotten to him/her.

Maya: So this scenario popped into my head. I think one of my friendos moniters the comments on my shit and does a weird hacky/stalky thingy and somehow hunts them down, and brutally murders them.

Reader: ........................... Well then.

Maya: I don't even know who it is! It could literally be anyone of my friends. 

Reader: Wait..... Hasn't it been a while since... He.... Showed up?

Maya: Yeah, I changed the password to all of my devices. He can't get in here.

Reader: It is kind of suspicious.

Maya: True.

Maya: Wait..........

Maya: OH NO.....


Maya: *hides behind Ella, the writer of all of the Liles smuts*

Sollux: 2up fucker2? Mii22 me? 

Maya: NO.

Madi: YES.

Random Shit (I'M BACK BITCHES!)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora