Llamas with Hats adaption! Part 3

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Ella: Mayyyaaaa........I know you've done something.

Maya: Whatever do you mean?

Ella: You've always done something. It's a lovely day out we're having a good time. What have you done?

Maya: You mistake me for some sort of scoundrel.

Ella: Maya!

Maya: I am a respected member of the community! To even insinuate-

Ella: Ok Maya, what did you do today?

Maya: Let's see, I washed the car.

Ella: Uhhu.

Maya: I made a donation to the local Girl Scout troop.

Ella: Sure.

Maya: I returned an overdue movie at blockbuster.

Ella:  What else?

Maya: Hmmm... I accidentally stepped on a ladybug.

Ella: Go on.

Maya: And I baked some banana bread for our neighbor, Pat. I believe that's it. Done.

Ella: Thats it?

Maya: That's all I did today.

*crack in space time opens next to them*

Maya: Ooooh.

Ella: Maya! What is that?!?

Maya: I may have forgotten to mention one of my activities.

Ella: Mayya!

Maya: I apologize, that was wrong.

Ella: Explain, Maya.

Maya: Well from here it looks like a weather ballon.

Ella: I am not in the mood for this.

Maya: I think it's just a lense flare and some dust.

Ella: Just tell me, Maya.

Maya: Fine. I may have created a crack in space time.

*Baby hands start falling out*

Maya: From which to collect millions of baby hands.

Ella: .......huh.

Maya: What do you mean 'huh'? 

Ella: I think I was expecting worse.

Maya: Worse? But this is totally fucked, bro!

Ella: I know but after last time with the nuke and the faces its just.....

Maya: Come on, look at this! How did I even do this?

Ella: I don't understand how or why you do anything.

Maya: Do you know what if feels like to be Maya right now? It hurts. Not as much as the babies, but it hurts.

Ella: Awww Maya.

Maya: What?

Ella: Why are all the hands white?

Maya: Well, you know, Whities gotta pay.

Ella: ...Ah.

Maya: And the payment is baby hands.


Maya: .......Aren't you gonna say it?

Ella: Say what, Maya?

Maya: My name! All offended and annoyed.

Ella: I'm leaving, Maya.

Maya: What?

Ella: I'm moving out.

Maya: It's the meat conveyer isn't it? You were never a fan of modern home design.

Ella: It's a lot of things, Maya.

Maya: Let me explain! 

*commercial beat comes on in the background*

Maya: Efficancy, industry. Never before has so many dead bodies been this manageable!

Ella: Maya!

Maya: I am the Henry Ford of human meat.

Ella: I've already packed. I'm not coming back.

Maya: Awwe, come on! We haven't even gotten to the big surprise yet!

Ella: I'm sure it's very upsetting.

Maya: Well now I don't even want to show you.

Ella: Good! I don't want to see it.

Maya: And your being a huge asshole right now.

Ella: I am not the one shoving people into a meat grinder!

Maya: It's not a Meat Grinder, it's an Orphan Stomper.

Ella: Gross!

Maya: You know what's gross? Your attitude.

Ella: Are you serious?

Maya: What have I done to deserve all this asshole coming from your mouth?

Ella: It's everything, Maya. Everything you've ever done ever!

Maya: Everything? What about that time I helped Miss Bixby by with her garden?

Ella: You buried her there!

Maya: It's what she would have wanted.

Ella: You buried her alive!

Maya: She wasn't keeping up with the weeding. As president of the Home Owners Association, I had to take immediate action.

Ella: All you do is kill people!

Maya: That's like saying all Motzart did was write songs.

Ella: Your completely insane!

Maya: Oh, weird. That's what all these orphans said.

*Meat dragon appears in the window. Roars are heard. The building shakes*

Ella: Is that the surprise?

Maya: *angrily* Nooooooo......

Ella: Is that a meat dragon? Did you finish your meat dragon, Maya?

Maya: *still a bit mad* Mayyyyybbbbeee....

Ella: *sigh* It's horrifying.

Maya: *a bit flattered* Thank you.



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