*breaths heavily*

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This is the sequel to the chapter *laughs for an uncomfortable amount of time*. Please enjoy~ (here is kawaii L)

Maya and Madi are boredly sitting at home. Maya is eating Kaito's Aisu because she found out Len was cheating on her. She dumped him. Madi is kinda in her own world, texting her boyfriend. Maya decided to call her friend, Chloe. Chloe is Zalgo's wife.

Maya does a bunch of satanic shit and a mirror appears. 2p Maya's face is on the other side. "WRONG SPELL!" Maya yells and breaks the mirror. It vanishes. She tries a few different spells, but in the end, she used her author powers.

After bantering with Chloe, Maya, Madi, and the rest of the inhabitants of the house head to high school. In this place of hell, the Zodiac group are forced to use their real names, are picked on for their differences, are burdened with homework, and are constantly avoided. The crew went to their classes and the day began.

During 4th period, as Maya, Madi, Ella, and Alex were boredly sitting in class, the teacher announced that they had three new students in their class. Three males entered the room. One had brown hair, blue eyes, and was glaring at the boy behind him. He introduced himself as Tim. The boy annoying Tim had messy brown hair, skin so pale it looked gray, and hazel eyes. He introduced himself as Toby. The last boy had brown hair, red eyes, and seemed shy. He introduced himself as Brian.

Just as everyone began introducing themselves to the new guys, the alarms went off. These alarms were zombie detection systems. Madi looked out the window and saw the MASSIVE horde of Zombies. She nodded to Maya and the two slipped out of the classroom, seemingly unnoticed. Little did they know, the new kids saw them and moved toward the window in suspicion of what they would do.

Madi pulls her Demon Soul sword out of nowhere. Maya pulls her pocket road roller and tells Madi her plan.

Toby, Tim, Brian, and the rest of the class hear gunshots and move to the window to investigate. The sight they see makes their jaws hit the floor. (except Alex and Ella. They're used to this shit) Madi was driving a road roller, Maya sitting on top of it mowing down zombies with a fucking machine gun. Where did she even get that??? Nobody knew.

Maya and Madi basically beat the shit out of the zombies. Now the school respects them and they don't get bullied. Maya and Toby are dating, Tim and Brian are also dating. Yey.

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