Comic Con

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Jack's Pov

Jack got out of the car and looked at the building in front of him and smiled. Jack walked into the main doors and was greeted by a red headed man. It was mark! He smiled brightly and hugged him.

"Ready for this, Jack?!" Mark asked excited. "Like always! I love meeting fans." Jack answered. But most of all he loved seeing mark. Jack never said anything like that to Mark because of the ship he was in. Septiplier. Mark smiled at Jack and lead him over to his booth. Jack's booth was right next to mark's booth. 

Jack was happy to be next to Mark. More then everyone knew. He set up his Booth and sat down. Mark sat in his booth next to Jack's.

"So, Mark. How's Chica?" Jack asked Mark. "She's a cute little puppers like normal." Mark chuckled. Mark's laugh was so adorable. Jack loved his laugh. It made him laugh too.

"Hey guys!" Pewdiepie walked over and looked at them. He smile spread across his face. "Oh hey Felix!" Mark said, getting up. Jack stood up too. "So, we have at least two hours until fans start to arrive. Wanna get some lunch? I'll pay." Jack said happly. Felix and mark nodded and walked out the building with Jack. 

Jack got in his car and smiled. Mark and Pewdiepie rode with him, Felix in the back and Mark in front.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hope you guys like this septiplier thing. ITS NOT OVER! Just wait!

Unbreakable-{Markiplier x Jacksepticeye} FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now