After getting a sympathetic look from the nurse, the first out of probably many 'Im sorry for your loss', she finally told me the room number and told me i'm aloud up there right now but she is sharing a room with the person who put her in this position.


I walked into the room and the three boys surrounding the first girl turned their heads towards me. I waved a bit at them before crossing the room and sitting next to Ariana. I took her hand in mine and held it tight, her cold hands slowly turning mine cold.

I was staring at her when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I swiftly turned my head around and saw a guy with a kind of buzzed head. He put his hand to my cheek and I flinched, but it turns out he was only wiping tears off of my face. When did I start crying?

I had no idea who this guy was, but I still stood up and gave him a big hug, that was all I needed right then. Was a hug, support from someone. Ariana was the one who did that but I don't think that's possible anymore.........

After a good five minutes of me crying on this man's shoulder and him rubbing my back, whispering calming words into my ear. I calmed down a bit. I took a step back, and wiped the tears that continued to fall down my face up. Looking at the man once more, I noticed his blue shirt was now dark blue due to my tears from crying on him.

I let out a small giggle and he gave me a confused look. I pointed to his shirt, so he looked down and his eyes went wide. I let out another small giggle before mumbling a slight 'sorry'.

He looked up at me and smiled wide at me. He came up to me and gave me one more hug before saying;

"It's fine, I could always get a new shirt. Anyways, you looked like you needed a big hug." I looked down and blushed before slightly nodding.

"I never got your name by the way." I looked up to see it was the blue shirt guy speaking again.

"It's Sam" I said, using my fake name. I still refuse to tell people my real name.

"Well, my name is Liam. That's Harry" He said introducing himself along with the curly haired guy that was sleeping on the chair. "And that's Louis" Liam said pointing to the light brown haired guy. I just noticed he was watching us. I waved slightly to him. He got up and gave me a hug too.

When he let go, I sat back down next to Ariana's bed and held her hand again. I looked to the ground and prayed and prayed that this is all just a dream. That I'll wake up tomorrow morning with Ariana banging on my door yelling at me that I'm going to be late if I don't get up.

Even if there isn't. If there's any possibility that she's not dead, that she's going to wake up in the next few hours like everything is fine again.

I can't loose her.

Not her too.

I lost too many already.

I can't afford another death.

I don't want to go through another grieving period. But this time by myself. No Ariana to buy gallons of ice cream for us to eat or watch sob stories. Or even just listen to me blubber on about old memories I had with the person or cry on her shoulder.

I can't live without her.

I won't.

I was about to fall asleep in the very uncomfortable plastic chair, but the door opened. I looked to the direction of the door to see that very familiar looking blonde head of hair. And that Irish accent that's as cute as a button.

Wait. What!? I did NOT just say that. No, I didn't.

The one person walking through the door was the one person I never wanted to see again. It was the one and only:

Niall Horan

And he was staring right at me.


AN: IM SORRRYYYY! It's been a month since I updated. But a lot happened. I reallyyyyyyyy hope this makes up for it. Since you found out who died and everything.


What do you think? ---- Will Ariana live on or not? What do you WANT to happen?

As always. Please VOTE


*All feedback is appreciated whether good or bad*

--And maybe even fan?-- Thanks for reading<3

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