The Bonding

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Derek grinned. It felt like he hadn't grinned in a long time. It was almost time. His heart was beating fast in his chest. 

He and the dominants that were left and had missed the last ceremony or hadn't bonded yet where there outside the school with him.

Everyone was restless. They all were exited about this and couldn't wait to finally have their submissive's.

Derek smiled, already thinking of showing his submissive of his family. They would joke like they did with all the family they didn't have it in him to take responsibility for a submissive and protect one but he knew he did.

All Alpha's did.

Everyone in his family apart from his father were all dominants. A mixture of beta's and alpha's. Everyone apart from Derek had found their bonded and finally it was his turn.

He sort of hoped he would get a submissive beta. Mainly because not only were half his family made of beta's but he didn't really want his submissive to be constantly attached to his side and needing his approval all the time and doing everything for him, he heard omega's were like that and clingy, which he didn't want either.

Not who knows? He might not want his submissive to leave his side after they had bonded.

The school's head teacher and two governments officials who were in charge of the bonding ceremony walked out. They were all Alpha's as there eyes glowed bright red, demanding respect but not submission from the you dominants.

All the growls and exited chatter died down.

The official spoke in a reedy voice "Are you all ready?"

There where hollers and whoops and answering yeses throughout the group of about one hundred dominants all outside, waiting to go inside.

With that the doors opened to a thin corridor. They all had to go in a line.

The Dominants did it with some grumbling and pushing, all eager to be bonded. No one wanted to leave without a submissive. It was looked down on. Not as shameful as a single submissive but still looked down on. No dominant could bare the thought of being looked as lesser than they were.

Even Derek shuddered at the thought. 

They walked in single file. One of the government people in front. He then without any other speaking he opened the doors.

Derek and the dominants walked in.

There was little over a hundred submissive's lined up, ready to be inspected. Derek could smell most were all beta's, his lucky day .

Though he did feel a little bad that a couple of these submissive's would not be chosen and lives would be ruined after this. He noticed quickly there were simply not enough dominants for all the submissive's. Some would become single submissive's and would be shamed on for the rest of their lives.

But Derek tried not to think of that.

The hall was decorated in ribbons symbolising bonding.

Derek began to walk across the line up of submissive. The other dominants already doing it, prowling around to find the one.

All submissive's stood stock still and had their heads lowered, looking at the floor, shoulders hunched in wards. Derek a almost growled in approval at so much submission shown.

Just as they should be...

Music started to play then some laugher. Derek stopped himself from smiling and tried to focus as two dominants found their submissive's. He didn't look to see who it was.

As he walked down the line Derek stiffened. He noticed a submissive just to his left fingers twitching a little, as if wanted to move.

The alpha scowled angrily, no submissive was meant to move a muscle in the bonding unless spoken to by a dominant or chosen.

He saw that out of hundred of them he so far was the only one to notice this submissive's blatant disrespect.

He must be taught a lesson. No submissive could survive in this world if they couldn't show the proper respect and follow orders.

Derek moved towards the submissive angrily but then something odd happened.

His heart fluttered.

His chest ached and his eyes locked on to the submissive. Derek felt out of breath. His pace slowed down and everything apart from walking towards this submissive was not important. All he cared about was....

He stopped in front of the submissive. He was thin and gangly, not full grown into his adult size yet and you could tell he still had some growing to do which suited Derek fine as the submissive was almost the same hight as him, though still looked very skinny and looked  a little delicate. His breath rose a little bit as Derek stopped in front of him.  

"You there. What's your name?"

"Stiles...sir" The submissive said, still looking downwards. Derek felt more appeased at least despite the movement it still has prover manners.

"Stiles" Derek repeated, that was a odd name.

The submissive seemed to open his mouth but then shut it again, seemingly remembering its place in this hall.

Derek's eyes narrowed a little at that behaviour but he had wanted a submissive that didn't do everything for him? Maybe this sort of behaviour before they properly bonded was a sign that he was a beta and wouldn't be that clingy? Some beta's could still be clingy but it was mostly the omega's.

With the rooms overwhelming scent of submissive beta's Derek couldn't smell Stiles scent properly.

Still his heart was thudding hard in his chest and he couldn't seem to look away. Derek knew this boy was his...

He gently reached out, taking Stiles chin and turning him upwards to look into his eyes. A luxury normally submissive's did not have.

Derek's eyes flared red. Stiles eyes turned a bright golden.

Derek couldn't get over how pretty those golden eyes looked but despite that he did step back a little. Grimacing inside. Dam it, an omega.

Stiles looked positively delighted but a tiny bit hurt at Derek stepping backward however despite this action that Derek was not that pleased with him, the alpha still held out his hand and grabbed on to Stiles own.

The submissive gasped, eyes wide. He was feeling what Derek was feeling despite the alpha's reluctance at first they both could feel their new bond and they both truly believed they both looked amazing and that they would have a long happy life together ax submissive and dominant.

Little did they know this wasn't meant to be...

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