Odd Friendships and Hopeful Dreams

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"Big day today, Stiles" Isaac said with a grin as they met up in the school grounds.

"Tell me about it" Stiles chuckled as he greeted his friend.

Their eyes changed colour as they greeted each other. Stiles omega gold, while Isasc's beta blue.

"The ceremony's tonight isn't it?"

Stiles almost jumped out of his skin, quickly huddling in on himself a little more, he could feel the more demanding presence walking up to them. A Dominant.

Despite making himself look smaller and not looking him in the eyes Stiles and Isaac both were relaxed.

It was Allison.

Isasc's bonded dominant.

All their eyes glowed again as they greeted Allison, who's eyes also glowed the same colour as Isaac's. She was a beta also but a dominant one.

"Allison" Isaac chuckled thought looking flattered   "What are you doing? You know we're not meant to interact on school ground. We're kept separate until after school"

She rolled her eyes "Ah, who cares?"

Isaac just shook his head fondly, now facing her fully while meeting her eyes once in a while.

Stiles didn't have that luxury, he wasn't bonded with her so he shouldn't look her in the eyes.

Dominant Beta's usually didn't about this type of behaviour but you would get the odd one who followed custom and would be offended and possibly attack a submissive if they didn't show the proper respect. 

So being polite was always best.

He said though not making eye contact "Yeah, I'm hoping this'll be my day"

She grinned and nodded at him "Good luck then"

Then she gave Isaac a flirty smile before walking away.

He shook his head "I don't get you two"

"Mean either" Stiles signed, he didn't get it either. It was almost like she counted Stiles as her friend but submissive's and dominants couldn't be friends.

You were a couple or you weren't. That's it.

The school bell rang.

The submissive's and the dominants were all separated into different classes, making sure only their break and lunched clashed.

In their classes all the submissive's would be drilled on what they could do to make their dominant happy and any information to do with living together.

Submissive's had to be well educated but had to learn their place. Especially omega's.

Stiles had one separate class only with omega's where they were taught how to act in front of dominants and to make sure they never offended any.

Stiles was in a class with Erica, Josh, Lucas, Zach, Noah and Beth. Like him they were all omega's.

Their teacher a dominant beta walked in, she looked at each and everyone one of them, making sure they all glowed their eyes and looked away from her stare in submission.

"Good! Now only three of you at the moment are not bonded. The ceremony is to-night. You all better have a dominant by next time I see you or your lives for the rest of your live will be ruined. A single omega has no purpose. Unlike beta's you can not work. You are alive only to serve  and please your dominant. All bonded submissive beta's will be able to handle a low level job. You can not, tell me why this is"

Noah slowly put his hand up.

"Yes?" The teacher asked him. 

"We're omega's and our duty is to our dominant. Not any job. We'll get to stressed as well and we can't handle any type of job. We can only focus on our dominant" He said shyly, looking down at the table, not looking her in the eyes. 

The teacher smiled and nodded "Good work"

Then she suddenly eyes Stiles, who was fidgeting a little in his seat "And tell me Stilinski why submissive beta's can't get high level jobs and why single submissive beta's should find another dominant quickly if they happen to loose their bonded dominant"

Stiles flushed, he could feel the jibe at his father's work and her disproval of him doing that job while being a single submissive beta. It just wasn't right or done.

He replied but his voice wobbling a little as he thought of his father "They'll pressure themselves to much and get to tired and weak and won't be able to work their job properly"

He already could see the stress marks on his father's face every morning.

But no, this'll all be better ones he was chosen, he had to be chosen by a alpha, for his dad.

"Well done" She said.

The teacher then started to talk about the ceremony, going over what Stiles already know.

He glanced at Erica who was to the right of him.

To his shock she looked like she was holding back tears?

Her hair greasy and wrangled. She looked like she was hardly listening. Her eyes not focused.

Once the lesson was over Stiles, went towards her. Grabbing her hand.

She shuddered at his tough then glared at him.

"What do you want Stilinski! She hissed.

He didn't have to worry about being submissive to other Omega's.

"Are you okay? You don't look so good" He said.

They walked outside into the corridor, waiting for the other omega's to leave before she spoke, shaking her head, their were tears in her eyes.

"Just leave it along" She said, turning around to go.

He caught her wrist but then she winced as if in pain.

"Stiles!" She warned as he looked down and pulled up her sleeve, his eyes widened at what he saw.

She swiped her wrist away from him. Shaking her head "It's okay, I deserved it"

"Deserved it?" Stiles asked in disbelief.

Her wrist was swollen and red, angry marks all around it.

"It looks broken! How did you deserve that?!" He snapped.

Erica then suddenly glared at him, her eyes narrowing "Not everyone is as freakish as you. My parents are both Alpha's. I spoke out of turn. I deserved it"

"Spoke out of turn? That doesn't deserve a broken wrist for it!" Stiles retorted, eyes wide.

"It can. Depending on who your parents are. It's not illegal. Omega's get physical hurt all the time for not doing things right. Not all of our family's are freaks like yours. Most family's follow the traditions still"

"That doesn't make it right Erica" Stiles pleaded.

She softened a little bit, her expression hopeful "Well not all dominants do punishments that way. If I get bonded with the rift dominant I can leave home....maybe, they'll only hit instead of break. Some do that you know. Hit instead of break"

Stiles shook his head slowly, he was sure Allison wasn't like that and "My mum was nothing like that. Not all dominants hurt you for punishment Erica"

She shook her head. He could tell she didn't believe him.

"Well, we'll see soon then won't we?"

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