Chapter 25

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My plan for the rest of the tour was to keep my head down and get through it the best I could. Obviously I couldn't wait to meet my fans they're the only reason I haven't backed out of the tour already. That reminded me I hadn't made a video for my channel for this week yet. I walked back to my room hoping JC was there and luckily he was and so was everyone else. I asked to borrow his camera after I had thought of an idea for my video I chose to do the brain freeze challenge and I asked Kian if he wanted to join in. We ran to the convenience store down the road and brought loads of ice and then got back to the hotel room filling the bath with cold water and ice. I was going to ask Kian questions first. The principal of the game is to sit in a bath of freezing cold water and be asked questions that gradually get easier and you can only get out when you answer a question correctly. We introduced the video and then got on with it. It took Kian 9 questions before he correctly answered one and he dove out of the bath and straight into the shower where we had warm water already running ready for us to jump in. It was my turn now I was wearing leggings and a T-shirt to make sure the viewers couldn't see any marks or bruises and so they couldn't see my stomach in general as I was conscious of it. I got in and sat down straight away and I felt like I had moved the North Pole it was freezing. Of course Kian was being Kian and decided to take ages asking questions until I scolded him because I was freezing my butt off eventually I got out after answering the 11th question correctly I ran straight for the shower and warmed up immediately. Clearly Kian had won so as punishment I had to go back in the bath for 1 minute so I did and it felt like the longest minute ever. At the end we did an outro and that was it. I then sat on my bed and edited the video while the boys were messing around. After half an hour I had finished editing and posted it to YouTube immediately once it managed to upload. Me and Kian both tweeted the link and that was it. I now felt very accomplished that I got my video up. It was 10pm and I was exhausted so I tried to get to sleep while Nash and Carter were still talking to Matt across the room which was very annoying I don't know how JC and Cameron can just fall asleep when people are being really loud.

After another hour I fell into a not so peaceful sleep due to a nightmare I was having. I felt trapped in the horrific dream of the Magcon boys not including the two Jacks and Shawn chasing me trying to hurt me in any way possible yelling horrible things to me and trying to beat me. I was awoken suddenly due to Matt shaking me. "Get off me!" I yelled as I saw him towering above me. "I'm not going to hurt you Avery" he said gently. "Yes you are please leave me alone" I yelled as I began to cry. JC suddenly shot up from his bed to see what was going on and to make sure Matt was away from me. I got up and grabbed my phone then left the room. Luckily I slept in leggings and tshirts so i didn't look too out of place in pyjamas.

The time was 6:45 I needed to clear my head so I went down to the cafe they had at the hotel. I sat down and opened up the Twitter app on my phone to realise it was flooded with messages along the lines of "why are there bruises on your sides?" "Is Avery Pearsons being beaten?" "Who is Averys abuser?" "we can see from her latest video clearly there are bruises and a graze on her sides" I also read through my notifications to see there was already a news article posted about this but then I realised I needed to see my video I was sure I didn't show anything I had leggings and a shirt on how could've they seen my sides? I opened up YouTube on my phone and clicked on the video. Then I saw it. As I jumped out out the bath my shirt had folded upward revealing my side but I mustn't have noticed due to me being so cold. I don't know how I didn't notice when editing either! I then realised I needed to delete the video immediately. Then I thought if I did it would only raise more suspicions and I knew if I admitted anything I would be beaten worse than I could imagine. I just don't know what to do.

I ran up the stairs not bothering to wait for the lift to get to the floor where Kian's room was. I banged on the door. Nash swung the door open. "What the hell do you think your doing? It's 7am and your banging on the door!" He yelled furiously. "Well it's 7am and your yelling along a corridor where many people other than your self-centred self is sleeping" I replied. He then pulled my hair and whispered down my ear "your getting a little too confident am I gonna have to beat it out of you?"
"Just let me in I need to talk to Kian" I told him as he released my hair from his grasp. "Just wait till later and you'll see what's coming to you" he spat.

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