Chapter 2

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I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock. It's Friday morning atleast it's the weekend tomorrow. I got out of bed and went to my closet. I picked out a burgundy jumper, some black leggings and my burgundy coloured converse pumps. I then went into my bathroom and showered. I dried my long brown hair and put it up into a high pony tail. I then applied some concealer to my bruises and some red marks and applied little mascara to bring out my blue eyes. I then went downstairs to see my step mom and my dad eating breakfast at the table with my older brother Nathan who is 20 and my younger sister Grace who is 6. I grabbed a bottle of water and my bag and left the house. It took 10 minutes but I reached school finally.
I got to my locker and put some of my books in and took some out. I then turned around to have a horrible looking liquid poured onto my head and the smell was foul. As Cameron walked past he had done this. The people in the corridor just looked at me and laughed as I was disgraced with the substance that was now trickling down my face. I grabbed a spare jumper I kept in my locker because this had happened before I went to the toilets and changed into my white and black Obey jumper and came out of the stall. I went to leave when someone grabbed my arm I turned around and it was Mackenzie "I don't know where you think your going" she said to me "please could you just let go of my wrist" I asked her calmly I didn't want to be rude because otherwise she would hit me. "your an ugly, fat pig no one will ever love you. You might as well just die now because I know not even you would want to grow up on your own with 20 manky cats." Mackenzie said. "Just let go of my wrist" I said a bit more firmly "and what will you do about it if I don't cry?" She said saying cry with a babyish voice. I held up my right arm because she wasn't holding onto that wrist and slapped her around the face and she let go and held her mouth open in shock "I told you to let go so next time do that" I said quite confidently to her and walked out of the room.


"I can believe that bitch just smacked me round the face!" I yelled at my best friend Laura "are you okay?!" She asked me "do I look okay!" I yelled at her "that bitch is gonna pay" I told Laura menacingly.


I walked out of the bathroom and to my first lesson which was chemistry. I went into the room and sat down at my desk in this class my lab partner was Cameron and I really didn't like that. The bullying has gotten worse and worse this past year and it's gotten to me a lot and having Cameron as my parter really doesn't help. Today we were doing experiments with acids and alkaline's. I grabbed a test tube about to pour some of the Universal Indicator into it when Cameron knocked the glass tube out of my hand. It shattered on the ground into billions of little pieces and I felt a sharp pain in my shin where a long piece of glass got stuck in it. "say it was me and your dead" Cameron threatened "I'm so sorry miss" I said as Miss Martins walked over to our desk "it's fine. This happens all the time" she said "miss could I go to the nurse I think I've got some glass in my leg" I said "yes go get it checked out" she said and I walked out of the class. It hurt a lot and I limped down the corridor. "where do you think your going" I heard Taylor speak from behind me "why is it any of your buisness" I replied quietly "I wouldn't talk to me like that if I were you" Taylor said as he grabbed a handful of my hair "please just let me go I'm in enough pain already" I said as one year dropped from my eye. "you expect me to care about that" he said as he yanked my hair hardly. "let me go please" I said I looked down at my shin and there was blood running down my leg I needed to get to the nurse. Taylor noticed my shin "Awh did little Ava get a booboo" he said with a babyish voice "please. just let go of me" I said he let go of my hair and pushed me on to the cold floor and walked off. I pulled myself up off of the ground and went to the nurse she cleaned up the cut and removed the glass. The cut wasn't too deep so I didn't need stitches or anything.

After a long day of school the bell finally rang to dismiss us. I had to go to Jacks house today to do the assignment so I went back to my house grabbed the things I needed and drove to Jacks house in my brothers car since I had a license I just didn't have a car. I arrived at Jack's and knocked on the door. He answered not long after "hey Ava come in" he said "hey" I replied. I heard other voices coming from the living room "hope you don't mind my friends have come over" Jack said "oh uh that's fine, where shall we do the assignment?" I asked "we can work in the dining room on the big table go in through i will be in there in a minute" he said "okay" I replied and went to the dining room I knew where it was because I had been here for family events before, Jack is from my moms side. Sadly my mom passed away a few years ago that's when the bullying began.

I sat at the table and started writing down work and a speech about what we were working on. Jack then came in and sat next to me shortly then followed by some people who I didn't see at first because I had my head down working but when I looked up I was met with bright blue eyes. Nash. I then looked to the side of him and saw Cameron and Taylor the worst 3 of the 6 were now in my presence and even though they couldn't do anything because of Gilinsky (we all call Jack Gilinsky because otherwise if he is with Jack Johnson people will get confused but now he gets called it with Johnson or without) I couldn't help but feel scared for my life. They all say down across from me and tried to make small talk with me "look in busy at the moment and I'm trying to focus on getting this done so please could you stop talking at me" I said to the three boys. They just pulled a face and talked to Gilinsky instead while he was working too.

It had been 10 minutes after the boys came into the room "I've got to get going I can finish this myself and give you your half of the speech on Monday" I said just wanting to get out of the room because I started to get all panicky due to the boys being sat in front of me. "Are you sure I can finish it if you want" Jack offered "no it's fine" I said as I gathered my belongings and the work and shoved it all into my bag. "There's a party tonight at Jason's house do you wanna come? Nash, Taylor and Cam are coming" Jack asked me "uh no thanks I don't think I will be very welcome" I replied quietly looking from Jack to the three bullies "yeah we're gonna go too" Taylor said. "Bye Jack" I said quickly and left the room. I ran out to my car and turned the key in the ignition my hands started to shake and I felt scared out here Jack wouldn't know and they could do anything to me. I saw the three boys leave the house and they stared at me. I changed gear into reverse and pulled out of the driveway. I then shifted gear and drove off home.

I pulled up onto my drive and calmed down a bit I felt sick due to me nearly having a panic attack. I have been getting them a lot recently due to bullying I'm always afraid to do the slightest thing and to go anywhere incase any of my bullies are there it ruins my life. After I collected my thoughts I got out of my brothers car and locked it. I put my key into the door when someone kicked the back of my knees making me fall to the ground. "why did you leave so fast?" Taylor spoke from above me. "Please just leave me alone" I pleaded "why would I want to do that" he questioned "your coming with us" Cameron said as he grabbed my wrists. I struggled and squirmed trying to get out of his grasp but it wouldn't work. I was about to yell but he put his hand over my mouth so anything I said would just come out muffled "I wouldn't say anything if I was you." he spoke. They dragged me down the road to an alley, "Your cousin isn't here anymore so I guess your all ours" Taylor said "please just stop" I said "you need to be put in your place you worthless piece of trash. I can't believe you thought you could hit Mackenzie and get away with it" Nash said as he punched my ribs knocking the wind out of me and making me fall to the ground. Pain filled my body as abuse was thrown on me mentally and physically they were saying things to me and beating me. I then saw them run down the road before my vision became a blur.

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