Chapter 27 (Home)

Start from the beginning

Now she waited patiently, awaiting the arrival of Faith who could always make her feel better, but while she waited she still had someone who could put a smile on her face despite her sadness.

She was jarred from her thoughts when Sapphire's head came into her line of vision. She looked at Kaylyn intently, her face mere inches away from hers. She then followed the direction in which kaylyn's eyes were focused.

Pouting, Sapphire exclaimed. "I don't see what you're looking at. There's only a wall."

Kaylyn chuckled lightly. She must've staring out of space for Sapphire to prompt such a statement.

      "Daddy is in the kitchen cooking. He says that we have to eat before going to bed," she informed, jumping up on the bed.

Kaylyn was surprised at that for she never once took Matthew for the chef. She remembered the breakfast he had once prepared, and she had to admit, it was good, but bacon and eggs didn't require much culinary skill.

She sighed, feeling a pang of sadness as her thoughts constantly drifted back and forth to the events of the day. Her heart still felt too heavy and her eyes still stung with the promise of tears, but she sucked it up, knowing that sometimes that was the best way to get over things.

        "You still feel sad, don't you?" Sapphire's little voice came, sounding just like the mood of her question.

Kaylyn turned to look at her and realized that she looked sad. Managing a faint smile, she patted Sapph on the cheek. "I'll be fine,"she told her, although she knew deep down that 'fine' was a long lost feeling to her.

       "When you weren't here and I was sad and didn't have anyone to talk to, Liz always told me to talk to God. I don't know who he is," she shrugged, hunching her shoulders. "But Liz said he always makes things better," she smiled.

Kaylyn's lips trembled with a smile.

     "We can talk to him together?" she asked rather than stated and Kaylyn managed a nod, thinking of the how great Sapphire and her suggestion was.

       "Hey God, it's me Sapphire... Again...I brought a new friend," she began and Kaylyn placed a hand on her stomach as she listened to Sapphire's prayer.


Patrick sat in the garden, drinking sweet tea, as it was the only thing that made him feel alive other than the thought of seeing his daughter. Allowing the fresh, floral scent of the flowers to fill his lungs, he inhaled deeply, closing his eyes in the process.

      "Patrick dear," Lilith's shrilling voice came, causing Patrick's eyes to pop open.

Releasing a light sigh, he smiled. "Yes darling." He sounded weak; a fact his wife didn't notice.

      "Such a waste, didn't you think?" she exclaimed frustratingly, seating herself beside her husband.

     "What was?" Patrick asked, his mind distant from the conversation, but so close to his Kaylyn.

      "That flight to New York," she informed with a bit of annoyance. "It was pretty clear that it was all a ploy to lure us to the God forsaken place. I can't believe Catherine!" she hissed. "But I shall confront her when next we converse. What in the heavens was she thinking bringing us to Mayhew's place when she knew damn well Kaylyn was going to be there," Lilith spoke incessantly, using hand gestures to express herself.

     "I didn't think it was a waste," Patrick managed, thinking that he got to see Kaylyn.

Lilith scoffed. "You wouldn't even think garbage was 'waste'."

Patrick shook his head slowly as he refocused his attention on the sweet scent of nature and from his bitter wife.

      "Anyway, it's dark, you should be getting ins-" Lilith began as she stood to leave.

       "Lilith, I'm going back to see Kaylyn," Patrick cut in.

Lilith stopped in her tracks immediately, her body stiff as she turned to face him.

      "Dear, are you not feeling well?" she asked in genuine concern, but it was pure mockery.

        "I'm fine," Patrick snapped. "Don't try to talk me out of it! You have done so for years, but this time I'm going to see my baby girl," he ground out between tightly clenched teeth as he stood, glaring at his wife with fiercely narrowed eyes.

Lilith was flabbergasted by her husband's tone, for it was one that she was not accustomed to, and so she stood, mouth slightly opened in shock as Patrick stepped past her.

He didn't have much time left, and he couldn't be delayed for another day. His time was dwindling and there was nothing anyone could do to stop him...not even death.



So, *sips tea* Patrick's on a mission. Anyone proud of him? At least he stood up to that ol' hag! 😂😂

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Also, while you wait for an update from me, how about checking out my other book(s)?



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