They are the hunters we are the foxes... And we run

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Maxine could hardly believe what she was hearing.Furiously slamming her phone on her desk she turned to face the group before her. She instructed an individual to shut the door before she rose up from her seat and faced the crowd before her. Eyes revealing barely contained anger, Maxine spoke in a dangerously sweet voice to her two bodyguards and the head principal; who in turn cowered before her.

  "How. How on earth. After all the security measures we out up, how did she get away?!"  

   This was something she had never predicted to happen. Never in a million years. Her plan, her beautiful plan had been soiled, and she hadn't seen it coming. Karlie Kloss, their guest lecturer for the day had finished her lecture just a day ago, and now both she and Amara were missing. It didn't take a Central Intelligence Agent to figure out that they had both left together.

Without a response to her question, her team simply just gaped at her while she tried to wrap her mind around the situation at hand. Holding a now crumpled piece of paper , Maxine smoothed it out and read over the inscription. There, printed on the note in childlike handwriting was:

I hereby disown custody of Amara Patel and ensure that any care provided to her father will not be withdrawn. I also terminate Taylor's contract. This document is true and final and I fully affirm to this statement.


The thing was, Maxine could not remember signing this note, but somehow her signature was at the bottom.  How in the world had the girl gotten her signature? 


Maxine nearly collapsed when she realized the awful truth. There had been a library pass, a library pass she had signed so carelessly. That must have been it. Once again, she had underestimated Amara's intelligence, and as she faced her team, she quietly asked if anyone had seen the girl at the library, and sheepishly, one of her bodyguards informed her that Amara had asked to use the bathroom and had never returned.

If there was one thing Maxine didn't like, it was being tricked, and that was true especially in this case, because of the circumstances of the situation.

Amara, if trained properly, would be an incredible agent to the Central Intelligence Agency. Her intelligence was off the charts, and her stubbornness could be put to such good use if properly instructed. And Taylor Swift was the only stopper to this plan.

Taylor must have had found her.

But how had Taylor found her?

Glaring at the head principal, and two of her bodyguards, Maxine lost it.


The group she was screaming at backed slowly away from her and muttered numerous apologies, but Maxine was livid.

This was never supposed to happen.

And now, with 50 States in the The United States of America, Amara could be anywhere, but Maxine was never one to give up. She would find Amara, however long it took, and bring her back to training at the CIA. No longer would Maxine play nice, those days were over. It was time to use the full capacity of the government.

Pressing a number on her phone, she pulled out a notepad and a pencil before holding the phone to her ear. Maxine always got what she wanted in the end, and this time would be no different.

Meanwhile: 3,000 miles away somewhere over Iowa

A certain blonde haired superstar flipped open her compact mirror and adjusted her mascara, paying careful attention to avoid hitting her sapphire blue eyes with the wand. Once satisfied, Taylor Swift quietly slipped the tube into her bag, taking great care as to not wake up the six year old on her lap. Smiling, she ran her hand through the mess of brown hair and gently tied it into a ponytail, as the six year old continued to sleep peacefully.

It had been an emotional reunion to say the least, and Taylor had no intention of ever letting Amara slip through her fingers again. The three months without the little six year old had been simply unbearable, and at this point, Taylor was hardly willing to let the girl out of her sight, even for a few moments. 

 After Karlie's call and  Amara's untimely arrival to Nashville, Taylor was forced to make a decision. It was almost guaranteed that Maxine would come to Nashville or even New York in search for Amara, so she had planned accordingly. Without informing anyone other then her two bodyguards, Karlie, and her family, Taylor had made arrangements for a trip.

At around 3am the next morning, she, Amara, and two of her best security guards had made their way to the airport with the intentional of getting as far away from the east coast as possible. They had all managed to get onto the plane without being noticed and were on an impromptu trip to L.A. 

What they were going to do once they got to L.A was unknown, as there guaranteed would be paparazzi, but for now Taylor enjoyed the feeling of being "under the radar".

A small yawn escaped from her lap, and she was greeted to a pair of wide green eyes and a mess of frizzy hair that had escaped from the six year old's ponytail.

"Taylor! I almost forgot.. oh gosh I've missed you.. I love you"

Amara spoke in a frenzied yet mature tone, only further proving the six year old's intelligence. She was nothing short of adorable.

Pushing back some of the fly-aways and pulling the six year old to her chest, Taylor wrapped her arms around Amara before talking.

"Good Morning you. I take it you slept well? oh and obviously, I love you too"

Planting a kiss on the six year old's forehead, Taylor smiled as she saw Amara's eyes start to close, and within seconds, Amara was asleep again.

There was something about this exchange that wasn't the least bit appropriate for a foster parent, and Taylor thought about that as the plane soared over the cornfields of Iowa. This type of interaction was almost motherly, and for what seemed to be the thirteen hundredth time, Taylor's mind wandered to the topic of adoption. Living without Amara for even three months had been abysmal, and Taylor wasn't sure that she'd ever survive if it happened again. Could she adopt? the answer to this was yes. Did she want to adopt? the answer to this was also yes. There was really nothing stopping her except for the sleeping ball in her lap. The relationship Taylor and Amara had was wonderful, and Taylor couldn't help but imagine that relationship disappearing if she mentioned the topic of adoption to Amara. Amara was a bit of a wild card when it came to this topic, Taylor didn't know what to expect.

Closing her eyes and sighing in frustration, Taylor jammed earbuds into her ears and attached the cord to her phone before leaning back on the plane seat. This was a topic for another day. All that was important now, was that they were together, and safe.


HEY LOVELIES!! I've missed you all, but here's an update. It's finally winter break, so I can make some good progress on this story..

As always, thank you for reading and I love all of you so very much <3

12+ votes for an update? its a long goal because I need to finish it up haha.


Are We Out Of The Woods Yet?(A Taylor Swift Adoption Story)Where stories live. Discover now