Awkward Scrabble Games

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Amara's POV:

We finally reach the apartment at around 6:30.

To say I'm freaked out would be an understatement.

As we get on to the elevator and head up 13 floors my stomach continues to twist and turn in this endless cycle. If I were at my 100% happy self I don't think I would be that worried, but as much as I don't want to admit it, I'm still emotionally shaken up from that news report. 50 people killed by a bombing at a children's hospital!! Who does that?!

I pause in my thoughts to look up at Taylor, and as I look up I see her staring intently at the elevator buttons. She's probably dreading this meeting too... I snuggle closer to her in an attempt to reassure myself that everything will be alright, and almost automatically, she puts her arms around me; wrapping me in one of her hugs.

When we finally reach the apartment I can hardly believe the scene before me. Instead of everyone just sitting in the living room and talking things out, I follow Taylor to another portion of the apartment where a conference room type ensemble has been set up. Adam, Andrea and Scott are on one side of the table with two people who I don't recognize, and Maxine is on the other end with her two cronies. Papers are being passed back and forth at lightning speed and all the whirlwind stops as we enter.

The two people I don't recognize get out of their seats and almost immediately run to Taylor. They usher us into the hallway and it is there that we make introductions. Taylor embraces both people before turning to me and introducing me to them:

"Amara, this is Tree and she's my publicist".

She gestures to a red haired lady that beams at me. Then she turns her attention to the brown haired lady on the other side of her and starts to talk again;

"Andd this is Caroline, my lawyer.. Amara they are both here to help us with this whole CIA thing".

They launch into this discussion of what has been going on so far, and I try to listen intently, but their talking way too fast. Taylor says some things that don't make sense to me, and suddenly we all make our way back to the room. The lawyer and publicist file in, but Taylor stops me before I'm able to enter. She tells me that she's sorry and I look at her confused. Poking her head inside the room she calls out to her mom, and seconds later her mom appears in the hallway with us.

Without even looking at me Taylor starts to talk to her mom in this hushed whisper and I have to strain to hear what their saying:

Taylor: "Mom, I don't want her to have to be here for this... Things could get messy.. can you take her upstairs for a bit? I have some movies and I put scrabble up...."

Her mom nods as I vigorously shake my head no. This conversation/meeting is ABOUT ME!! I have every right to be in that room!! I try to file past her and into the room but I run into Adam who's gotten up from his seat to see what was going on. Instantaneously he exchanges a look with Taylor, and before I know what's going on I'm being lifted over his shoulder and carried away from the room and back to the foyer where the stairs are:

"ADAM PUT ME DOWN!! This isn't funny!! Put me down!! TAYLOR THIS ISN'T FAIR!! STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT!!!"

I scream and try to squirm but he's too strong and a minute later I'm upstairs in Taylor's room angrily facing a sympathetic Andrea and an amused Adam. He half laughs at my expression and I glare murderously at him. Reaching past him, Andrea pulls out Scrabble and half smiles at me in pity before proceeding to set it up on the floor.

Andrea: "Honey.. You aren't going to be able to go back down.. I'm sorry... How about we play some Scrabble to get our mind off things?"

I'm about to protest and run to the door, but then I remember who I'm talking to. Andrea is Taylor's mom, and I have to be nice to Taylor's mom... Ugh ugh ugh. I fold my arms but sink down from my position on the bed to the floor. Immediately Adam joins me and Andrea explains the rules as I sit there glumly. I can hear muffled sounds that I can only assume are coming from the conference room downstairs and I get even more mad that I'm not there.

Sighing I try to focus my attention in the game, but I soon realize that everyone's thoughts are as focused on downstairs as mine. Andrea and Adam are glancing at their phones every seven seconds for updates as I'm left completely without knowledge about what their deciding about my future. The irony kinda kills. Why would Taylor do this? It's my first instinct to get terribly mad at her, but I'm sure she has a reason... I just hope it isn't something as stupid as "she can't handle it".

Thus begins the most awkward game of Scrabble imaginable. Why Taylor?... why?! I am soo not happy with her right now. I need to figure out a way to get down there.. but how?

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