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Amara's POV:

The second I enter the living room all chatter stops and the room's attention becomes fixated on me.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Taylor motioning to her mom to get me out but I shoot her a look and then turn my gaze to Maxine. Walking through the room in silence I make my way to the end of the table and unceremoniously plop down in a chair.

"Hello everyone!! I'm sorry I didn't get here sooner. Can someone please fill me in on what's happened?"

I'm met with silence and smirking slightly I look around the room and then fixate my eyes on Maxine who oddly appears thoroughly embarrassed.

"Maxine? I thought we left you in New York!! I can't believe you'd fly all the way here just to deliver one. simple. message."

I'm met with more silence and I hold my gaze on Maxine until she starts talking. I sit back and listen eagerly as the conversation starts up again and within ten minutes everything previously discussed has been said and Maxine moves on to tell us why she really came all this way.

The real reason Maxine came to Nashville was to inform me that I had visitation rights with my dad this Wednesday. He apparently chose visitation with me as a reward for "good behavior" in the prison they're keeping him at. He's in prison? Why is he in prison?! I'm ready to throttle Maxine but thankfully I keep my cool.

"And Maxine are you going to tell me when he's being released? I actually researched the homeland security act and in cases like these you have three weeks to keep him without reason until trial. The clock is ticking. You need to let him go in a week and three days as he hasn't done anything wrong".

Maxine looks surprised and looks at me with renowned interest before smirking :

M: "And Amara did you happen to read the alternative for a trial?"

I almost shake my head before I remember the last line and my head snaps up as I look at her with a horrified expression.

"In cases in which trial is not approved and the subject does not present proof of citizenship the subject will be DEPORTED?! MAXINE YOU'RE GOING TO SEND HIM BACK TO SYRIA?!"

I lunge at her but before I reach her Adam grabs me and holds me back as I struggle to contain the tears that are threatening to fall from my eyes. I hold them back as best as I can. I will NEVER cry in front of Maxine. I try to plead with her but she holds her smirking expression:

"Maxine you... he won't survive back in Syria things have changed!! people have changed!! You're basically killing him by sending him back!!".

My eyes grow wider as I realize what she may be implying and I lunge at her again but Taylor's bodyguard is holding me back this time.

"I'm his... daughter... so you're deporting me too?!"

I'm expecting an immediate yes from Maxine but her smirk only grows stronger.

M: "Nope. You my dear have been given a green card by the government of the United States due to your superior intellectual status. You are also on the United States foster system as of now, so technically your father is not your legal guardian and you are no longer connected to him".

I hate this I hate her I hate everyone and everything. I've fallen into a terrible trap.

My surroundings become a blur as my heart starts pounding. I hear faint voices screaming at me, at Maxine but I don't acknowledge them.

I need to run. I need to run now.

I bite the security guard holding me and he releases me before grasping his hand in pain. I'm not thinking. I've gone into fight or flight mode and suddenly I'm in Syria again and the door of the man's house has been left open. My mind is screaming at me to escape.

Escape. I need to run. Turning fast on my heel I sprint to the door and fling it open.

I can hear people behind me calling for me to stop, but I need to run. I need to get away from here, from her.

Someone grabs my shoulder and I wiggle out of their grip as I head out the door. My feet sink into soft mud and grass before I reach pavement. Quickening my pace, I dash through the gates of the property and out towards the street. I'm vaguely aware that Adam is running behind me, so I take a sudden turn which seems to lose him.

Survival instincts have taken over and I'm running, running away. I don't know where I'm going but I do know that I need to get away from here.

I'm vaguely aware of tears falling down my cheeks and as sad as I am, I'm also oddly proud.

I have always been good at getting away and I've always been able to get away from any situation.... this time has proved no different.

This is what I do best. I flee.

Are We Out Of The Woods Yet?(A Taylor Swift Adoption Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon