A Lucky Circumstance

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Karlie awoke at 10am on a Friday morning to a phone call. Groaning, she disentangled herself from her sleeping bag and cursed at how sore she was.

She, along with most of Taylor's friends had spent the last two months with Taylor as the blonde singer tried her best to piece her life back together. Anyone could see that Taylor wasn't okay, she was heartbroken by Amara's disappearance and frustrated that there seemed to be literally nothing she could do about it.

As they all had jobs they had to get to, everyone took turns staying with Taylor, and for these three weeks it was her and Ed's turn. The human heart is a very fragile thing, but also a very resilient one, and this statement was never more true than right now. After about two months of sulking Taylor had finally decided to meet with her publicist and get back to the studio, and Karlie couldn't have been more proud.

Stumbling over to her purse, Karlie pressed accept and held her phone to her ear, groaning at her perky publicist's voice. 

"Karlie? Are you listening?"

Karlie mumbled a yes as her publicist continued talking:

"I've scheduled you to speak at an event being held at a Connecticut school in about a week or so. You'll be talking to a bunch of kids on the benefits of coding and I really think that it would really boost your public ratings".

Karlie almost said no before thinking about what she was saying no to. An hour speech about something she loved to a bunch of kids!! She could do that. She asked her publicist what school she was to be speaking at and frowned when she heard the name."Winchester Prep".


A preparatory school. She would be speaking at a preparatory school. Karlie groaned at the thought of lecturing a bunch of snotty stuck up prep kids, but she said yes to her publicist regardless. She would have fun no matter the circumstance!! Her nickname wasn't Sunshine for nothing.

Folding up the sleeping bag she got ready for the day and then made her way to the kitchen where Ed was already having breakfast. 

"Morning Ed!"

Her ginger friend swallowed a bite of toast and mumbled a greeting back before switching his tone.

"Karlie did you see Taylor this morning? She seemed almost...normal...Karlie this is a good thing!! I think that she may be healing eh?"

Karlie couldn't think of anything to say back to him so she simply switched the topic.

"Ed I need to go to Connecticut in like a week.. I'm speaking to some kids about coding and I have a few things in New York that I need to do."

Ed looked at her amused before taking another bite of his toast.

"Hm. Maybe take Taylor with you? She's been in Nashville for quite a while..I think she could use a change of scenery".

Karlie hummed in response and looked at him with furrowed brows. 

"Good Idea!! I'll ask her when she comes back from the studio".


A week passed and Karlie boarded her plane to Connecticut alone. Taylor hadn't really been up for travelling so close to New York,especially because of Maxine. The blonde preferred to stay with her friends and family in Nashville, and honestly, Karlie couldn't blame her.

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