The meeting

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Taylor's POV:
I watch in shock as the door opens and a tall man walks in. I instantly recognize him as one of the men from last night and apparently so does Amara because she slips out of my grasp and runs to him.

Before I can even process what's going on she's kicked him as hard as she can in the shins.


She sticks her tongue out in response, and the man snarls and tries to make his way towards her.

Not happening.

I quickly grab her and hold her back as the man falls clutching his knee and curses from the floor.
The door opens again and a woman that seems a little older than me introduces herself as Maxine, the chief psychoanalysis at this facility. She sees the man on the floor and I'm surprised when she doesn't react, she just steps over him and continues towards us.

This is creepy.

I grip Amara tighter against me and watch as two more people enter, help the man off the floor, and exit quickly and quietly.The woman gestures at the chairs and then sits down herself. I look over at Amara and the look she's giving the lady is terrifying. As terrible as they've treated us I want to glare too, but I remember that I need to be the adult in the room so I smile politely and firmly ask why we are here.

She patiently explains that she needs to run more tests on Amara and when I sneak a glance at my stubborn little tag-along she's still glaring at the lady, but I see her right hand subconsciously rubbing her shoulder


I ask the lady what tests they plan to do and when she replies with psychological tests I see Amara drop her hand from her shoulder. I knew it. She was scared to have to show her bruises again. I'm actually proud of how well I analyzed that situation.

Maxine pushes the papers and a pen in front of me and firmly asks me to sign. I look over at Amara and she gives me a small nod of approval while still glaring at Maxine. I sign quickly and the lady tells me the first thing she's going to do is an IQ test and that they'll proceed from there. I watch dumb founded as they lead Amara out of the room and chuckle when the lady tries to pat her head and is greeted to Amara's death stare.

I stand for a moment before heading to the waiting room. This should be interesting.

Amara's POV:

They lead me into a separate room and I sit down again as the lady explains that we will be "playing a game"

hahaha ok suree...

Quite honestly I don't trust her, but she simply goes on with her explanation and shows me some sample questions which are all little puzzles. Yay!! I love love puzzles. I'm still suspicious, but slightly excited. After basically beating my brain out with questions for what feels like forever she tells me the test is over and to head to the waiting room while she analyzes the results. Smiling, yet slightly exhausted I walk to the waiting room and take the seat opposite Taylor. We both shoot each other grins and just as she's about to say something they call us back in.

Taylor's POV:
We are led into a conference room and are asked to sit down. I notice there are five other people in the room and Maxine simply says they are CIA personnel. I sit down and reach for Amara's hand, and to my surprise she reaches out for mine and I give her hand a small squeeze as we both look eagerly at the lady.

Maxine tells us to listen very carefully to what she has to say.

She starts by clearing her throat and then gets right into it.

"As everyone in this room knows Amara was subjected to the IQ test in this past hour. We have gathered her results and would like to share them. Amara is in the 1% of the population with her IQ score. This means that she is technically qualified as a genius and has thus been accepted into the MENSA organization. The government has the duty of monitoring those with this status and will be supplying Amara's education via a personal tutor. Taylor, you have stated your interest in fostering Amara and if she agrees to that the CIA will gladly help with expediting the fostering process. If she doesn't agree to the fostering she will be sent to a special school where she can thrive with those just like her. Her biological father has not been cleared as a suitable guardian so those are her only two options at this time"

And with that Maxine finishes her speech and looks at us expectedly. I glance over at Amara and see she's gone deathly pale. Oh no.!! I reach her in time and she dead on passes out into my arms.

Well helloo!! First things first: when I started this I never expected anyone to read it and you guys have brought it to 103 reads and counting. It means the world to me just saying...Second things second: If you have any comments or suggestions on how I can make this story better please please comment your ideas.. Oh and please vote! (If you like my story)

Love love love you guys

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