Oh darling dont you ever grow up

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Amara's POV:
I stay curled up fake sleeping until I feel Taylor trying to wake me up. She smiles and whispers "good morning" as I sit up and I launch into my little speech about last night.

to my utter amazement she starts sassing me back. I can't help but laugh. She shows me to the bathroom and after giving me a toothbrush and some more of her old clothes she heads to the guest bedroom to wake up her boyfriend. I hear their footsteps thudding down the stairs and I wince as my tummy rumbles. I've learned to live with this happening and I swallow a few times to trick my stomach into thinking its full. I change fast and make my way downstairs when the smell of something mouthwatering makes its way to my nose.. I walk/run towards the smell until I realize that it's most likely not for me. I'm about to go back upstairs when Taylor appears in the hall, grabs my hand before I can protest, and pulls me into the kitchen for "breakfast?" She smiles apologetically before gesturing to the things on the table:

Taylor: "I wasn't sure what you've liked so I made a little buffet type thing"

I'm speechless, really, but as I look over the table I can't recognize any of the items.. What is this stuff?

Taylor's smiling expression is slipping little by little and finally Adam comes and puts his arms around her. He then turns to me and asks me gently if there's anything I like on this table, and keeping my eyes on Taylor, I mumble under my breath that I've never seen these things before, and sit back expecting them to laugh, but they don't.. They just look confused until Taylor gasps and puts a hand over her mouth. She turns to Adam and I can make out that they're saying something about me and Syria.

Suddenly Taylor turns back to me and I can see the excitement in her eyes. She turns to me beaming and slightly apologetic:

"Amara I am so sorry! I completely forgot about the Syria situation.."

She half turns and gestures towards the table

" This is all American cuisine, and you don't have to, but is there anything you'd like to try?"

I see in her eyes how much she wants me to eat something and I decide to be nice.. Plus I've never really had these many choices.. I turn to her and match her enthusiasm:

"I'd like to try everything please"

She smiles excitedly and picks up a plate filling it with small portions of literally everything and Adam and her sit down and watch me eat, supplying me with the name of the food and how to eat it.

I try pancakes, which are amazing, orange juice, which I don't really like that much, hash browns, which are so yummy and it goes on and on and on. I haven't had this much to eat in a while and I'm grateful. When I can't eat anymore I put my plate in the sink, wash up and slip my shoes on. Taylor ended up filming the whole breakfast and she sent to her friends through her phone.I look over and she's furiously texting away. I'm not quite sure how texting works but I make a mental note to google that along with American food after the meeting.

As soon as she gets her shoes on we head to the elevator on route to the Central Intelligence Agency. As we head down the elevator she hugs me, hands me a blanket and asks me to put it over my head after explaining about the pap-a-razzi?

The concept of people waiting with cameras to take a picture of someone sounds funny so I start to giggle but as we get to the lobby I get what she's saying. Terrified I slip on the blanket as she grabs my hand. We start walking and I feel her pulling me to the car. As we get outside everyone starts screaming and shutters start going off and it takes all my mental power to remind myself that I'm in New York, not Syria.

Finally we get to the car and Taylor carefully pulls the blanket off as I try to brush aside the tears that had happened to fall but she sees them and I brace myself for another look of pity being directed my way.

As she moves closer to hug me I shoot her a look and she backs off. I can see the hurt in her eyes so I scoot closer to her so that our shoulders are touching and she shoots me a half smile. She tries to puts her arm around me again and this time I let her, because I'm so so scared it's not even funny.The fact that we're driving to a place where they have my dad under lock and key doesn't exactly reassure me that nothing bad is going to happen to Taylor. I snuggle into her shoulder and she looks down at me surprised before gently putting both arms around me, taking great care to avoid the bruises. As I lean against her she quietly starts mumbling

"Darling I can tell that you're scared.. and honestly there is absolutely nothing to be scared about"

I jerk up and look at her in surprise as she stares back at me with a bemused expression..How did she know?

She smiles as she sees my confused expression and continues:

"I was right wasn't I? you play with your hair when you're  nervous"

I've never really noticed I did that. She's right of course, but it's not like I'm going to let her know that... I shoot her a look of contempt and she grins back smugly. Oh she definitely knows she's right.

A hour and a half later we arrive at undisclosed location A.

As we walk in to the building I can't help but notice there are security cameras everywhere. We have to walk past a metal detector, Taylor gets her bag searched and after all of that we end up in a doctor-style lobby for about a minute before Taylor is pulled in the opposite direction to fill out paperwork and I'm sentenced to being fingerprinted yet again.

After, I am told to change into a hospital type gown and head into an adjourning room with white blinds.

No way not happening.

I remember last night when this exact same thing happened at Taylor's apartment and I was too tired to fight back. Last night there were like five doctors around me and quickly and efficiently they recorded all of my bruises and put this thing called "antiseptic" on them which hurt so so much. As much as I tried protest, I was too weak, but that was last night and today is today. Today I'm going to fight it. I tell the lady that there is no freakin way that I'm entering that room and she gives me a tight lipped smile. I glare back and inform her that my rights as a human are being violated, and that because I'm still a minor I need a guardian's permission. This gets her attention.She murmurs into a walkie talkie and within seconds Taylor is at my side and looking at her she's just as confused and mad as I am.

The lady starts talking to Taylor and I quickly glance up in admiration when I hear that she too has refused and is still refusing to sign anything until she is told what is going on. Finally, finally,finally after much arguing we both are ushered into a room and are told to wait. There are chairs but we both stand and when the door opens Taylor and I are shocked at who comes in.

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