Chapter 19 - Support

Start from the beginning

As I take in the words, my Mum sidles up closer to me, trying to peek at the screen. "Ooh is this him? Jaxon isn't it?" She spots the thumbnail-size picture of Chunk at the side of his message to me. "Hang on, that's the boy who works down the greengrocers isn't it? You never told me you were seeing him! How lovely, he seems like such a nice young lad!"

I slam my laptop shut. Sadly Chunk will just have to wait before I can get back to him. "Mum, that's not Jaxon, that's Charlie Monk. I thought you knew that?"

Mum makes a noise of recognition. "Oh yes. That rings a bell." She waits a moment for an elaboration I'm not willing to give, then ploughs ahead with her questioning. "So which one is Jaxon? Have you got a photograph? How do you know him again?"

I'm beginning to wish I'd never made my new relationship public knowledge now. But I guess my interfering family were going to find out sooner or later.

"He's Charlie's friend," I mumble, inching underneath my duvet. "I don't have any photos to show you though, he's not on Facebook."

This is only a half-lie. I could technically show her that picture of me posing with him from our first date, but I'll never hear the end of it once Mum's seen it. She'll be all shocked by his tattoos and lip-ring and start lecturing me about the dangers of motorcycle gangs or something.

"Oh, that's a shame," she tuts in disappointment. "I guess we'll have to wait to meet him in person then."

My heart spasms in panic. "Meet him?! When are you planning on doing that exactly?"

Mum laughs at my horrified reaction. "Well, whenever you like love! You can invite him over anytime." She pats my legs which are cocooned in my duvet. "Only if you want to of course. I just wanted to come in and tell you the offer is there."

I wriggle inside my bed, pondering the suggestion. Maybe it's not such an appalling idea after all. In some ways, it might be kind of fun to show off my sexy new boyfriend to my family. But then again, this is MY family we're talking about here. And they can't be trusted.

"I don't know. Benji and Taylor will probably say something mean to show me up. And Dad too. It doesn't seem fair to subject Jaxon to them already."

"Well, it's your decision," Mum answers, shifting herself up from the bed. "But if you do want to bring him round I'll give them a talking to and make sure they're on best behaviour."

"Hmmm," I murmur. I'm really not convinced. So far my stupid brother has done nothing but tease me about my love life. He'll probably be on annoying-overdrive if he meets Jaxon in person.

Finally, Mum edges out of my room. "I'll leave it completely in your hands. I just thought it was only fair to offer since Benji's had Taylor here all this time. And as you know, I treat you both exactly the same."

Yeah right. I don't get away with half as much crap as Benjamin does. He's so blatantly the favourite child. Still, I resist mentioning this fact out loud. "OK, thanks Mum."

"OK dear," she answers. "I'll be off then." She lingers unsubtly in the doorway. "I'm just downstairs if you need me..."

I can tell she's waiting for me to change my mind and suddenly spill more gossip to her, but I'm keeping my lips sealed. "Alright, Mum. Bye."

Eventually, she gets the hint and shuffles away. I heave a sigh of relief. At least one round of grilling is out the way, but I'm sure it won't be the last one today. Which is why it's safer to stay in bed for as long as possible.

I lift my laptop lid back open and find another message from Chunk waiting for me.

"Ash are you still there? Please don't be angry with me. Xx"

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