I Know....

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I know my legs are tired

A black figure told me

I know how much you want to rest

I know how much you want to stop

My arms, they hurt so much

Another figure poked my arm

I know your arms hurt

From all those cuts

I know you want this all to end

I can't speak, my mouth is silent

Cold hands wrapped around my neck

I know you don't want to breathe

I know that you wished you were dead

I can still see, but everything is so dull

Something covered my eyes

I know you hate it

Seeing all of this

I can hear them, but at the same time, I can't

A hand brushed past my ear

Wouldn't it be nice to not hear them anymore?

I know you hate hearing them.

I know I'm tired

But I don't know why I'm still walking

I know what they tell me is true

I know

Does anyone know what the picture is from(The one I used⬆)?
It looks like it could be from a manga......

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