KageHina oneshot: Yes

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If I remember correctly, I said that I will insert random one shots of my Haikyuu otps! One of them is KageHina so...here you go!


I like girls. The cute and fuzzy kind. Not anyone will do for me, especially men.

So, why does he make my heart flutter?

Every time I see his smile, I hear this crazy thump inside my chest.

His bright eyes shimmer and stands out a lot.

I don't know why I fell for him.

He's not my type of girl.

He's not even a girl.

So why does he captivate me with every move he makes?

"Kageyama, come on toss me some! Don't be unfair."

Slowly I tossed the ball up high to where he was.


He spiked it so well. It was amazing.

It was spectacularly breath taking.

"Hinata, I want to tell you something later.













"And you should only say yes."


Artwork by: Fujo on WeHeartIt

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