"Well believe it,"I say closing my locker.

"I bet Sam's gonna make a move,"she says.

"Ha you're funny,"I say.

"I mean it's a high school party anything could happen,"she says.

"Whatever. I gotta get to class,"I say.

"Ok see ya,"she says walking off to her class.

I walk into math and see Sam and his group of friends. He looks up at me and I hide my face. I walk to my seat and continue to hide my face.

"Ok class people take your seats,"Mr.Reynolds says.

I ignore everything else he says and start thinking about what will happen at the party.

What if he does make a move?

I go through the whole class thinking about the party and Sam. Luckily the teacher never called on me for anything so my thoughts never got interrupted.

I walk out of class and see Sam making out with his ex girlfriend. So much for him liking me.

Sam's POV
I was waiting for Colby in the halls and my ex girlfriend, Scarlett approaches me. I broke up with her two days ago and she couldn't stay away from me.

"Hey Sam, I really missed you last night,"she whispers in my ear.

"Well I did not miss you,"I say moving away from her.

"Aww come on you didn't miss anything about me?"she asks seductively.

"Nope,"I shake my head.

"Not even this?"she asks then crashes her lips to mine. She moves her hand down to my crouch.

"Stop,"I say trying to push her away. She doesn't say anything and tries to unzip my pants. She was trying to give my a hand job right in the middle of the hallway.

"I said stop,"I say pushing her to the floor.

"Ow!"she yells.

I didn't say anything I just walked away. I go to my locker and grab my things for my next class.

*Skip to end of school*

Madilyn's POV
The party was only in a few more hours and I was super excited! I rush home and run into my room. I open my closet and rummage through all of my clothes. I throw around clothes trying to look for one cute dress. I decided to call Gemma.

"Gemma!"I say.

"What?"she asks.

"I have nothing to wear to the party,"I explain.

"Ok come over to my house. I'm sure I have something you could wear,"she says.

"Ok I'll be over there as soon as I can,"I say then hang up.

I run downstairs and tell my mom I'm leaving. I don't wait for her to answer and I run out the door. Since Gemma's house wasn't too far I ran the whole way there. I run up to the door and ring the doorbell.

"Come in,"she yells.

"Hi,"I say out of breath.

"Woah did you run all the way here?"she laughs.

"Yeah,"I nod.

"Oh,"she says,"Well let's go find something for you to wear."

"Ok,"I say still out of breath.

We walk to her room and I see dresses already laid out on her bed.

"So which one is for me?"I ask.

"Pick one,"she says. I looked at each one and decided to wear a short navy blue one.

"I like this one,"I say showing it to her.

"Ok go try it on though,"she says.

I nod and walk to bathroom. I out it on and looked at myself in the mirror. It looked perfect on me. It went mid thigh and hugged my curves just perfectly. I go to Gemma's room to show her.

"So what do you think?"I ask.

"I think you should keep that dress,"she says,"But you look amazing."

"I can't believe that I actually found something that would look good on me,"I say.

"Yeah I bet Sam will think you look good too,"she says wiggling her eyebrows.

"Probably not. I saw him making out with his ex girlfriend friend at school so I think they're back together. With her around he won't notice me,"I say.

"He never said anything about being back together with her. Colby never told me anything either and he tells me everything,"she says.

"But I saw them,"I say.

"Well who knows what actually happened. I mean she could've forced him to,"she says.

"I doubt it,"I say,"Well I'm going to get out of this dress so I don't ruin it."

"Ok,"she replies.

I go into the bathroom again and change. I go back into her room.

"So what do you want to do until the party,"I ask sitting on her bed.

"I dunno,"she shrugs.

"Maybe I'll take a nap so I actually have energy,"I say,"So I'll see you at the party."

"You don't have to leave you can sleep on the couch,"she says pointing to the couch by her window.

"Oh ok,"I shrug.

"I'll just watch a movie or something,"she says.

"Ok,"I say laying down on the couch. I close my eyes and fall asleep.
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