Don't Let Go

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Thomas's POV
  "Y/N, why can't you just be honest with me?!" I shouted.
   "I am! Just why can't you just give me some time to myself?!" She shouted back.
   "That's it, I'm going back to the hotel and I don't want to see you!" I stormed out the room and into the parking lot, where my motorcycle was parked. I mounted on and buckled on my helmet. I drove off onto the highway. I was driving out of bitterness, anger. How could Y/N be so selfish? I just wanted spend time with her.
   I took a left turn when something slammed into my body. I felt burning pain in my leg and chest. Then blackness.
Your POV
   I was just upset that Thomas wouldn't listen to me. I felt a buzz in my butt pocket and pulled my phone out. It was a foreign number, but I answered anyways.
   "Hello?" I answered.
   "Hello, Do you know someone by the name of Thomas Sangster?" The person asked.
   "Uhm... Yes I do." I replied.
   "Well I'm afraid that this afternoon Mr. Sangster was in a tragic accident and has been rushed to the emergency room."
   I dropped my phone as tears started to fall on my face. I grabbed my keys. And I rushed to the ER as fast as I could.
   When I got to the ER, Dylan, Ki Hong, Kaya, and Wes were there. I ran to the desk, practically interrogating the desk manager.
   "Miss, please just sit down and he'll be out soon I promise." She calmed.
   "Please just tell me what's going on." I cried.
   "He-he's in surgery right now."
More tears streamed down my face as I went to sit down next to Dylan and Ki Hong. They comforted me as best they could, but their best friend was just in a motorcycle crash.
   About 3 hours later, he finally came out. His left leg had been shattered completely and he had broken 3 ribs, one of which had punctured his lung. He was covered in bruises and dried up blood. The worst of was that Thomas was in a coma.
   The guys and Kaya stayed for a little while, then left me and Thomas alone. I just wanted to apologise and stare into his warm chocolate eyes again.
   "Thomas, I'm sorry. I love you more than words can say. But whatever happens,  don't let go. You have too much to hold onto. You have your family and friends and me. That's all I ask of you,  is to hold on. I know that when and if you wake up, there will be pain, but if you truly fight, it will all be worth it." I leaned down and kissed him on his forehead. Then I walked out the door.
3 days later
   I had visited Thomas like I did everyday since his crash. I just wanted to spend every moment I could with him. I whispered in his ear sweet things, just hoping he could hear. I was doing everything I possibly could, but it wasn't enough.
   I was about to go get some lunch, but before doing so, I gave him a quick kiss. My hand was on his, when I felt his fingers wiggle. He made moaning sounds and I quickly sat back down.
   "Thomas?  Thomas, can you hear me? Please wake up, I need you to wake up." I pleaded.
   He made more moaning sounds, but this time it sounded more like wheezing. I called for help in the hall. A nurse entered the room, checking the screens and his pulse.
   "It seems he's waking up from the coma." He said. "The wheezing is just from his surgery. I'll be back in a couple of minutes"
   He walked out the door, leaving me and Thomas alone. Thomas wheezed more and then opened his eyes. They burned into mine as I was about to let the tears in my eyes flood over.
   "Y/N? Is that you?" He questioned.
   "Thomas!" I exclaimed as I hugged him and my tears broke from my eyes, falling down my face.

   "Ow, ow, ow.What happened?" He asked. The nurse walked in as I explained what had happened to him.

  "You seem to be doing fine, but we'll keep an eye on your lung." The nurse stated. He left us alone once more by walking out of the room.
   I kissed Thomas and he kissed back immediately. When I pulled away, he asked me something.
   "Y/N, on the night of my crash, I could've swore I heard you telling me to not let go. Did you?"
  "Yes, Tommy. I did." I replied.
   I texted the cast and Wes about Thomas, and within 20 minutes were flooding in the room.
   Thomas was alive and he had heard me when he was dead.
Hey! Sorry I haven't updated in a few days, it's been busy this week with tax free weekend and school starting back. I got a YouTube channel and you can check me out. I'll put it in my user description. Please tell me what you think about it and I would love to do a request story. I'll be back soon. Thanks!

Thomas Brodie-Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now