You have an Asthma attack

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    I relize that Asthma is a serious health issue and do not mean any offence to any readers who have Asthma. One of my best friends has Asthma, so I generally understand how it works. Please tell me what you think of it and more will be here soon. Thanks for understanding!
   You've had Asthma forever and were very self-conscious about it. When you were in the 8th grade you were severely bullied for it and now only your family and life-long friend, Rosie, knew about it. Not even your boyfriend Thomas knew.
   You were outside the studio that you shot some of the scenes, where you noticed Dylan, Thomas, and Aml smoking.
It's okay, You told yourself. Just don't get too close. I don't have my inhaler. But if I stay calm I should be alright.
   And then it happened.
   Thomas saw you and called you over. You felt very uncomfortable walking over, but you didn't want to make it obvious. You walked over very awkwardly and within a few minutes were coughing like crazy. You tried to keep it in, but it came bursting out.  The guys kept asking if you were all right, but you kept using the 'I'm fine' excuse.  But you could tell Thomas was getting concerned.
   After a while, it became harder and harder to breathe. You tried taking deep breaths, but it was no use without your inhaler.
   "Y/N, are you sure you're alright?" Thomas questioned.
   You finally gave in.
   "Call the *cough* *cough* ambulance. I can't *cough* *cough* take it anymore." You confessed.
   Thomas was extremely concerned at that point and immediately called. Dylan and Aml put their cigarettes out and tried to help calm you down.          About ten minutes later, the ambulance  arrived and Wes was more confused than a chameleon in a bag of Skittles. Once you were at the hospital they gave you oxygen and told you to rest for a little bit.
When you woke up the whole cast and Wes came flooding in. They questioned you about everything.
"Are you alright?"
"What happened?" Were some of the questions asked. But the most crushing one was asked by Kaya.
"What are you keeping from us?" She asked.
You broke.
Tears spilled down your cheeks as you answered her question. The rest of the cast was stunned. You never cry. Ever.
   "Y/N, you shouldn't keep something like that from us." Dylan stated.
   "You don't understand, this is something I have to deal with myself. I was born like this and I'll die like this. And every time I take a breath it's just a  painful reminder that I have Asthma and have to have a stupid inhaler all the time. It's just a reminder that every thing I breathe in might potentially kill me and I hate it more than words can say." You sob.
   "We will help you get through this, Y/N. Just know that we will always be there for you in thick and thin, and we know that you would do the same for us. We're a little family and we stick up for each other." Dylan replied.
   Thomas wiped away your tears and everybody hugged on you for a few minutes. Everyone walked out the door except for Thomas.
   "You should've told me when we first started dating. But I understand now." He said.
   "You don't think of me any differently, do you?" You asked.
   "Never in a thousand years, love." He kissed you on the forehead. "I should probably let you get some rest."
   "Thomas, please don't leave me."
   "I'll stay with you the whole time."
   And it felt wonderful knowing that you didn't have to be alone. Knowing that you would never be alone. Dylan was right, you all were a family and you were all going to be there in thick and thin. And you held on to that forever.

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