We're Young And In Love (Perrentes)

Tony and Mike manage to jump from best friends to fuck buddies, and from fuck buddies to "what the fuck is going on with us."

Soul Rebel (Jalex)

Trans boy Jack is told too often that he's "not trans enough" and Alex kicks anyone's ass who says that to him.

Identity Disorder (Jalex)

Alex has multi personality disorder and Jack is the only one that puts up with him anymore.

Last Seen In San Francisco (Kellic)

Kellin goes missing and Vic takes it upon himself to find him because he thinks the police are slow as all living fuck.

Reflections (Perrentes)

Tony and Mike both have horrible self esteem issues, but are on completely different ends of the spectrum. Mike hates himself with every fiber of his being and Tony thinks he's God.

Imagine That (Kellic)

Kellin reads Kellic fan fictions, and Vic just happens to come across Kellin's browser history while they're on tour together.

Game Over (Perrentes)

Tony gets his ass kicked in the same video game by the same guy and asks him to fight him like a dumbass. Just his luck, the guy who keeps kicking his ass is really hot.

Walkers (Perrentes)

In which Tony and Mike are survivors in a zombie apocalypse.

Voices (Kellic)

Kellin gives in to the horrible little voices in his head while trying to force Vic to not do the same.

Aphenphosmphobia (Original)

Kyle and Tyler are two trans boys with drastically different lives.

Terrible Things (Perrentes)

Inspired by the song "Terrible Things" by Mayday Parade, Tony and Mike realize that life fucking sucks.

Prostitute (Perrentes)

Tony sucks dicks for money, and Mike pays guys to suck his dick.

Touring (Perrentes)

Tony and Mike cheat on Erin and Alysha with each other while on tour.

(About this one: I am in no way encouraging cheating or trying to disrespect the girls. I love them both, I just liked this plot.)

Mind Over Matter (Kellic)

Vic talks to dead people and Kellin doesn't talk at all.

Spirits (Perrentes)

Tony moves into a haunted house because he doesn't believe in ghosts, but finds they are very real when Mike Fuentes's ghosts begins flirting with him.

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