Chapter eighteen

Comincia dall'inizio

Rogue: "I'm going to ask Kagura to... to..."

I hear Rogue say next to me while a nervous expression was clearly painted on his face.

Sting: "Goooo outtttt withhhhh youuu."

Sting says in a slow motion voice as if Rogue didn't understand well.

Rogue: "Right!"

Rogue yells as he lifts his fist.

Sting: "Come on! We're almost there!"

Sting yells back as he grabs Rogue's arm and drags him off the the hotel.

Natsu: "Speaking about going out with someone, you and I have to talk."

I say as I stop at my tracks and turns around to look at Gray.

Gray: "Whoa I'm into girls, sorry buddy but don't get your hopes up."

Gray jokes making me roll my eyes.

Natsu: "That's not what I meant!"

I yell as I punch his shoulder.

Gray: "Good, now what's up?"

He asks in an unfazed tone, trying to act tuff.

Natsu: "Well Lucy and I are dating and you know what that means, right?"

Gray: "That you're not into me?"

Natsu: "I'm being serious."

I say to him while a serious expression stays on my face.

Gray: "Alright, alright I'm done."

Gray says as he lifts his arms in defeat. Finally.... I thought while sighing.

Natsu: "You have to confess your love to Juvia and take her on a date."

I plainly explain to him.

Gray: "What!? That's none of your business!"

He shouts while looking dumbfounded.

Natsu: "Actually, it is. There's something you need to see."

I say with a smirk on my lips as I pull out a paper from my pockets. Unrolling it I show it at Gray.

Gray: "What? I already knew you had messy hand writing."

He messed with me, pushing one of my very few buttons left.

Natsu: " what it says."

I say in a serious tone, trying my best not to punch him.

Gray: "Ha, funny. Natsu we were drunk that night so this has no value."

He states as he points at the paper.

Natsu: "Oh really? How about your signature on the bottom?"

I ask mischievously.

Mira's ship 「nalu fanfic」Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora