Chapter six

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- Next morning -

Natsu's P.O.V.

Lucy doesn't like me. It's easy to tell. I'll just do my best to forget about her in that way. I thought as I stood infront of the station with Happy and my bag.

Happy:  " Natshu."

He said in his cute ,little exceed voice and I look up at him while he flaps his small, blue wings.

Natsu:  " Yeah?"

Happy:  " Don't be sad."

Natsu:  " What are you talking about? I'm not sad."

Happy:  " Yes you are."

Suddenly the ice stripper walks upto us with Erza and he butts in.

Gray:  " Awee poor little fire faggot is sad?"

He saids in an annoying tone and I quickly reply back, defensively.

Natsu:  " What'd you say ice queen!?"

Gray:  " You heard me!"

We plant our foreheads together, pushing eachother as an evil aura surrounds us both.

Natsu:  " You want a fight!?"

Suddenly I feel a hand hold onto my shoulder, tightening its grip on me, causing me to flinch and I look up. It seems like gray is also being gripped on since he also looks in the same direction I'm looking at.

We both have sweat drops slide down our faces, nervously when we notice that it's Erza gripping onto us, slightly annoyed. We both begin apologizing as we hug eachother and act friendly.

Erza:  " You two-..."

Natsu:  " Gomen'nasai!"

Gray:  " I'm sorry too!"

Natsu:  " Gray you're awesome!"

I felt myself slightly gay as I said that.

Gray:  " I know I am."

He said in a confident tone, accompanied by a smirk. I swiftly glared at him when Erza let go of us and turned around.

Erza:  " Looks like we're all here."

He said smiling as Gray and I look over to where she's looking. We then see Wendy, Carla, Juvia and... Lucy... I can't lie, it kinda hurts looking at her but I'll get over her.

Juvia:  " Gray-sama! Juvia promised you she'd come with you on your next job! Juvia promised!"

She said happily,jumping up and down really excited.

Gray:  " What is she doing here!?"

Gray saids while hiding behind Erza.

Erza:  " She insisted on coming. I couldn't just say no, I mean just look at that cute face. Can you say no to it?"

Juvia:  " Gray-sama!"

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