Chapter seventeen

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Lucy: "..."

Sting: "Don't stay so quiet Lucy, I want to hear your sweet voice."

Sting whispers to me as his other hand caresses the side of my left cheek. I didn't know how to react. I was frozen. Suddenly something unexpected happens....he was punched out of nowhere. My jaw drops as I see the blonde dragon slayer land on the sand.

Natsu: "Get your hands off of her."

I hear a familiar voice say. Natsu? In response I look back to see if I was correct about the voice's owner. For some reason I blushed once again but this time it was different. I could feel myself have a smile pulled onto my lips.

Sting: "You're going to regret that..."

Natsu: "Trust me I'm not going to regret something I've been wanting to do for awhile."

They both stand in their fighting positions. Their magic revealing itself as it snakes it's way around their fists. It was a small vacation what we had... Not an arena match... I wasn't going to let them fight. I step in and stop my ground in the middle of them.

Natsu: "Lucy don't get in the way."

Sting: "Move, we have unfinished business."

Lucy: "Does it look like I care? If you two fight now in the middle of our vacation then we'll have unfinished business."

I state as I glare at them both. Natsu's flames disappears as he sighs. Sting turns around and walks off, letting his guard down. I make my way towards Natsu and flick his forehead.

Lucy: "Don't go around picking fights Baka."

Natsu: "He deserved that punch, though."

Natsu mumbles while folding his arms across his chest. I roll my eyes and flick his forehead again.

Natsu: "What was that for!?"

Lucy: "You deserved it."

I say as I shrug and walks away towards the water, leaving Natsu with his right hand on his forehead.

Natsu: "And you deserve this!"

Lucy: "Huh? Deserve what?"

I question as I turn my head back to see what he was talking about. The confused expression on my face quickly changes into a scared one. Natsu picks me up with one of his creepy smiles, meaning he has something planned. He continued to run but turns left. I wasn't sure of where he was going but soon knew as I noticed a cliff in the distance.

Lucy: "No! Natsu don't you dare!"

Natsu: "Why not?"

Lucy: "I'll do anything you want! Just don't go there!"

Natsu: "I doubt it."

-5 minutes later-

I gulped while looking down. We were now at the edge of the cliff. Natsu held my trembling body as I begged him not to jump.

Lucy: "Please Natsu don't, I'll do anything I swear!"

Natsu: "Anything?"

Mira's ship 「nalu fanfic」Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat