The Unexpected

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Amber closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Transforming was hard and new. She didn't know if she could do it. Yet, she pushed her insecurities behind her and said those few words that she tried so desperately to work years earlier.

Her memory flashed into all of the failures she had. She never could do it. Amber desperately wanted to do it now. She needed to do it now. If she didn't the whole magic dimension would fall. She remembered all the classes she failed because she just couldn't harness the power. This was her chance to harness that power. This was her chance for redemption.

She found herself on the ground. The magic composed inside her small body was too much. When she attempted to transform some of it released causing her to fall to the ground. There was still time, she could still do it.

Faragonda's echoes of hope still sat in Amber's head. She was the fairy who didn't choose, the one will all but no powers. She was the fairy of all things itself. She was the miracle of the universe.

She felt magic rise inside of her. She felt it rush out her finger tips. Amber was going to transform. After all these years of failure she was actually going to transform. Brightness filled the courtyard.

Everyone in Alphea's courtyard stopped fighting and turned to see the bright light that was behind them. It was Amber! She was going to transform! They would all be saved. At least, that's what everyone thought.

The magic died down inside of her. It didn't work. Amber couldn't transform. The hopeful eyes that had watched her try to transform now covered their hearts with hopelessness. They weren't going to make it out of here alive. Somehow they kept fighting. To this day Amber never really knew why.

Failure crept into her heart. She had failed once again. Would she ever be good enough? Would she ever be a fairy? Doubt slid into her mind. She couldn't do it. She never could, and now her friends would pay. They would pay with their lives.

A dark rider began to close in on her. He laughed at her failure.

"You always were a failure." He snickered at her.

The dark rider was clearly Tyler's counterpart. His face looked exactly like the real Tyler's. Only much paler. You could see the darkness thriving in his eyes. The once welcoming face was now a cold hearted death. Fear crept into Amber's heart as she looked at him. She remembered the times when she did have to fight Tyler. It was self defense, but it still happened. She could never forgive herself for fighting him, but here she was forced to do it again.

The evil Tyler had taken a break from fighting the evenly matched Tyler to come and fight Amber. Amber was in no condition to fight, yet she still found some courage inside of her to do so.

It was a no magic fight. Amber was unstable and Tyler didn't have magic. The dark rider tossed his sword to the side in respect to Amber. She was weaponless and this was a duel like no other, but that was his first mistake.

Amber lunged forward at Tyler. She released a punch at his stomach. It would be his weakest defenseless spot. Tyler was no fool, he stepped back instead of taking the blow. Amber was unbalanced and he kicked her in the jaw.

She could feel blood reach the surface of her jaw. Undoubtedly it was broken. The duel would not stop for any injury, it was a duel to the death.

Amber placed her frail hand on her jaw. She could feel the sharpness of the bone that had twisted itself out of place. It was just another thing she'd have to deal with later.

Anger flowed through her. The pain brought anger to her heart. She was done with these dark riders. They only got in the way. Amber may not be able to transform, but that didn't mean she couldn't beat the crap out of this one.

She just needed the right moment. They circled each other. The dark rider stood naturally and overconfident. Amber bounced from foot to foot keeping herself light and ready to move. Clearly Tyler was waiting for her to strike first.

Amber saw her moment and she took it. She lunged forward at him aiming for the stomach once again, but instead of stepping back he used his hands to defuse the blow. It was exactly what Amber needed. She immediately jumped back and then forward again, only this time she was aimed for his throat. She collided with his throat and a horrifying cracking noise accompanied the blow.

The smile on Tyler's face vanished.

"That's it, games over." Tyler said.

He held out his hand and his sword came to it. Amber had no weapon, but she wouldn't let that stop her.

Tyler lunged forward sword in hand. He attempted to slash the left of Amber. She jumped out of the way just in time.

"Nice try!" Amber taunted as she dodged his next blow.

Speaking was her mistake. It made her vulnerable, only for a second, but that's all he needed. He lunged forward at her, sword in hand. At this time Amber knew what was to come of it.

There was no possible way the sword could miss its mark. This was how she'd die. At least she'd die fighting. Isn't that the most honorable way to die? Well, that's what Amber used to think, but now in the situation she realized how pathetic it really was. She was the fairy that didn't choose. The fairy who was supposed to have infinite power, and yet here she was about to die from a simple sword. Perhaps she had misinterpreted the world after all.

Amber closed her eyes as she waited for the blow to come. A scream echoed throughout the courtyard. She could feel blood splatter all over her, but it wasn't hers.

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