The News

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Bloom glanced down at Alphia. Her friends were all down below wearing their ballgowns. She wished she could be with them, but now more important matters were at stake. Miss Faragonda needed her help. She said it was top secret. Even her friends couldn't know. She wondered if this had anything to do about The Dark Riders. Ever since The Winx were defeated everyone started to loose hope. Even though no one admitted it, everyone felt like it was their last days. Bloom thought The Trix were bad but The Dark Riders were even worse. They were lucky that The Dark Riders took mercy on them last time. They would have been goners. A Red Fountain ship landed in the courtyard. The guys came out. Sky, Riven, Brandon, all of them were over there. Everyone except Bloom. Maybe if I hurry up with Miss Faragonda she will let me go see Sky.

Quietly Bloom slipped back into her room. Quickly she turned off all of the lights and entered the teacher hall. The Winx were teachers after all. At a rapid pace Bloom walked over towards the entrance to the students boundaries. The school was mostly deserted seeing that the party was out on the courtyard. The others would be worrying where she was. Bloom decided to hurry. Up the stairs she went. She walked down the hall for a bit and then turned towards Miss Faragonda's office. She knocked three times.

     "Come in." She heard Miss F say.

When Bloom opened the door a sneeze came upon her. She sneezed breaking the silence.

     "Bless you Bloom." Miss F said as she handed a tissue to Bloom. "Sit down this may take a while."

Bloom sat.

     "You said you needed me..." Bloom said.

     "Do your friends know anything about this?" Miss F asked.

     "Not a soul knows." Bloom explained. "Just how you wanted it."

Miss F nervously rubbed her hands together in her lap.

     "Good." Miss F said. "Now as you know The Dark Riders are kicking our butts."

Bloom was almost shocked. Miss F usually never had that kind of language. Bloom silently nodded a grin appearing on her face.

     "Do you have a suggestion?" Bloom asked.

     "Well as you know you and the Winx are not strong enough. Your Bloomix powers can only take you so far." Miss F explained. "I'm afraid we must take drastic measures."

Bloom nodded realizing how serious the matter was.

     "Now keep in mind this is just a suggestion." Miss F explained. "It is so drastic that it makes me afraid for The Winx."

     "What is it?" Bloom asked with a little urgency in her voice.

     "Well I had this student once." Miss F started to say. "She was unlike the rest. She was the strongest. The best student I've ever had. She might have a chance against them."

     "Where can we find her?!?!" Bloom said with hope in her eyes.

     "Not so fast. Don't get carried away." Miss F said. "Even though she was strong, she was too strong. We had to kick her out of Alphea. She never passed. She's dangerous. I haven't heard from her in years. She's so strong that if she felt  the need she could potentially rule over the entire magic dimension. Tell your friends about it, but you think about it long and hard before you decide."

Bloom nodded in understanding.

     "Now go and think." Miss F told Bloom.

Bloom headed towards the door. 

     "Bloom." Miss Faragonda said before she left. "One more thing."

Bloom turned to listen her hand layed right on the massive door. 

     "You and the Winx will be in charge of her. You will escort her everywhere." Miss Faragonda told her.

Bloom nodded in understanding and opened the door to the hallway. She walked back into her dark dorm room. She let the thought sink in. She had the power to save the whole dimension. At one cost, the magic dimensions safety. She knew she needed to speak to her friends. They needed to know, and then they would decide. She turned to head over to the door, but before she could open it she heard foot steps. Someone was on the other side. It couldn't be one of her friends. They were all at the dance. The door started to open. There was a shadow like figure in the hall way, but who was it?!?! Was it a dark rider?!?! 

Winx Club Fan Fiction: The Fairy Who Didn't ChooseTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon