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As most would expect the storm was bringing guests. On its rain clouds flew The Dark Winx. Truly these were The Dark Riders, but after absorbing The Winx's power they had morphed into The Dark Winx. Along with them came Dark Faragonda and her dark students. Only one thing could save The Magic Dimension right now... or should I say person. 

      "Oh no..." Bloom stuttered. 

The Winx looked up horrified. 

      "Not again.." Aisha exclaimed.

Last time the fight didn't end well. This time The Dark Riders had time to build up their forces. Well, The Winx built up their forces too.... kind of.

So far the only person that could protect them was Amber, but Amber made no movement on top of the roof. As they looked back at Amber The Dark Bloom chose to make an end to Bloom once and for all. She shot a dragon heart at Bloom. The dragon heart was morphed with Dark Aisha's morphix powers. 

Bloom turned at the last second to see Tyler ward off the dragon heart with his swords. Relief and fear crept into The Winx's heart. That was too close for comfort. If Tyler hadn't of been there Bloom might not be able to breath right now. 

     "T-Thanks.." Bloom finally stuttered out of her mouth at Tyler.

     "Don't mention it." Tyler said. "I suggest transforming.." 

Their transformation! They had completely forgotten about it. 

     "He's right. We may be weak, but we still have some strength." Musa told the group. 

They all nodded in agreement. 

     "Winx Bloomix!" They exclaimed almost in sinc. 

(See video now)

The Winx were transformed and ready for battle. They flew up and The Dark Winx matched up with them. Behind them the fairies of Alphea were rushing out and transforming. This was a battle the Winx wouldn't be fighting alone, but would it be enough?

Faragonda was out in the courtyard ordering fairies to stations. Alphea would not be going down into evil hands today. Amber still sat at the top of the school. Fighting broke out the school. Every single person was fighting.. it was all one on one. Teams weren't something the Dark Riders would let you have. 

Specialists joined in the fighting. To their surprise more Dark Riders came to match up with the Specialists. No one could grab the upper hand, after all, how could they? The Dark Riders matched their every move. The good side was in bad shape. How much longer could they fight? Amber was still on top of the school. She was meant to defeat them, but where was she now? 

      "Nature kick!" Flora screamed almost in sinc with Dark Flora. 

Both attacks countered each other. 

     "I don't know.. how much more.. I can take!" Flora yelled at her friends as she shot another blast towards Dark Flora.

      "Where's.. Amber?" Aisha managed to say out of breath. 

Faragonda looked around. Amber wasn't here. Then, she noticed Amber on the top of the school. Amber always had a confidence issue... Perhaps she needed a bit of persuasion. Using her magic Faragonda pulled Amber off the side of the school. Of course she knew Amber would catch herself, as much as Faragonda hated her she still knew Amber was the one destined to finish this. 

Amber did catch herself, but she made no other movement to stop this madness. 

     "Amber you have to stop this!" Faragonda yelled at her.

Amber glanced over at Faragonda. 

"Why is she trying to help me?" Amber thought to herself. 

      "Look, I know we've had our differences, but don't make The Magic Dimension pay for my mistakes! This is bigger than us!" Faragonda yelled over the commotion at Amber.

Faragonda was beginning to rethink a few of her recent plans. Indeed, she hated Amber, but did she really want to kill her? They used to be friends after all... At one point she was her prized pupil.

Amber opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. 

     "Please!" Faragonda begged. 

Amber didn't move.

     "I-I.. I can't!" Amber finally admitted. 

What on earth was she thinking? She was by far the strongest one here.

     "What do you mean?! Just transform!" Faragonda told her. 

Amber didn't move once more. Faragonda began to walk towards her.

    "I can't transform... I never did... I failed remember?!?" Amber said as she ducked past a tecno spell. 

Oh yeah, that was true. Because Amber never chose a power she never transformed. She couldn't. Fairies didn't work that way. If Amber was this powerful without transforming just imagine what would happen if she did transform..

Faragonda began to think. There must be a loop hole through this. Of course! Her power wasn't simple. It was complex. She was the fairy of magic itself. The fairy of powers. She was the fairy that didn't choose! 

Miss Faragonda now had a choice before her. If she told Amber her power then surly she couldn't die. The call for her extermination would of been a total fail, but as Faragonda began thinking she thought of something much more important. Her hatred was based off of the danger she brought to Tyler, but what if Amber kept him safe? What if that's what she didn't see before? Maybe Amber was good after all. Maybe she actually protected him from danger. What if Faragonda had looked over the entire situation? The more that came into her head the more Faragonda knew it was true. 

Amber was good. Faragonda was mistaken all along. Her protective heart had closed her eyes, but now her eyes opened themselves up. Amber made Tyler whole. Together they were the safest and strongest. Faragonda owed an apology, they both did. Because of the blind protectiveness in Faragonda's eyes she had sent her son to exile. It wasn't keeping him from dying.. It was keeping him from living. That was all clear to her now. 

     "Amber! You can transform! You are The Fairy Who Didn't Choose!  You represent magic itself. You can transform! I know you can!" Faragonda yelled to Amber over the commotion.

Amber glanced over at Faragonda then held up two fingers with each hand. Her arms shook with fear as she placed them in an X in front of her.

     "Magic Winx!" Amber yelled.

What will happen? Will she transform? Or will Alphea fall along with the rest of the Magic Dimension?

Winx Club Fan Fiction: The Fairy Who Didn't ChooseWhere stories live. Discover now