The Fight

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When Bloom and the other girls had finally caught up to Amber she was already in Ms Faragonda's office sitting down. She waited patiently despite how angry she was with Faragonda earlier. Bloom entered and the rest of the Winx followed. Ms Faragonda was sitting behind her desk.

     "I'm assuming you're all here to discus plans?" Ms Faragonda said avoiding eye contact with Amber.

     "We were hoping you'd have a plan." Flora answered.

Ms Faragonda nodded.

     "I do in fact have one." Ms Faragonda commented. "We can make this a quick battle. The boys will take you all to their lair and Amber will go in and defeat them all. Once that is complete you can escort her back to where ever she came from." 

Amber stood up angrily.

     "No! I'm staying in magix!" Amber said angrily.

Ms Faragonda stood up.

      "No you aren't. You are still banished." Ms Faragonda replied. "You are too dangerous." 

     "Then I refuse!" Amber said as she stormed out of the room.

The Winx looked at each other in horror and what had just happened. Ms Faragonda looked slightly confused.

     "I don't understand that girl. You would think she would realize that she can't stay." Ms Faragonda commented.

Stella looked a bit embarrassed.

     "I may or may not have told her she could stay if she did it...." Stella said trying to sound innocent.

Ms Faragonda's face went from confused to furious.

     "Stay?!?! Are you crazy?!!?" Ms Faragonda said letting her anger come out. 

Normally Ms Faragonda never was angry, but ever since Amber showed up she's been moodier then usual.

     "It was the only way we could get her to come!" Musa said explaining. 

     "Well you girls have gotten us into this mess. Go fix it! She can't stay. She's too dangerous." Ms Faragonda demanded them.

The Girls walked out of Ms Faragonda's office.

     "How on magix are we going to convince her to do it?" Aisha asked.

Stella's phone beeped with a new text message.

      "EEE! Brandon and the guys are outside!" Stella yelped for joy.

The girls started to walk to outside. Getting Amber to help would take a while. They could do it later. Bloom slowed down to a stop.

     "I-I'm going to go talk to Amber. I'll catch up with you guys later." Bloom said.

Flora turned and looked at Bloom as the other girls kept walking.

     "Do you want me to come too?" Flora asked.

Bloom shook her head.

     "No, I'm fine. Go see Helia." Bloom told Flora.

Flora nodded and ran to catch up with the other girls. Bloom walked all over the school trying to find Amber. She just couldn't find her. She looked everywhere. Bloom started up the stairs to the last place in Alphea, the roof. Only Bloom ever went up here so she was sure she wouldn't find her. She reached the top to see Amber with her head covered in her knees. 

     "Amber? Are you okay?" Bloom asked.

Amber slightly moved and sobbed here and there.

     "I feel like there's something you aren't telling us. You know you can tell me anything." Bloom tried again.

Amber made no sound so Bloom took a seat next to her. Finally Amber looked up. Her eyes were filled with tears.

     "Why aren't you with Sky?" Amber asked.

     "I wanted to see if you were okay." Bloom replied. "What's with you and Faragonda?" 

Another tear streamed down her face and Amber made no movement to wipe it away. 

     "You know how you love Sky? He means the world to you right?" Amber asked.

Bloom nodded.

     "Of course." Bloom said.

Amber looked off into the night ahead of her.

     "Well, once I loved someone too...." Amber started and more tears fell down her face.

     "What happened?" Bloom asked.

     "Faragonda happened. She took him away from me. She said I was too dangerous." Amber said as she buried her head in her knees again. 

Bloom put an arm around Amber.

    "That must have been awful. It doesn't sound like Faragonda at all." Bloom said.

    "Well... You could say she cared for him. She got me banished because she wanted to keep me away from him. I always looked up to her. I was so stupid." Amber said with her head in her knees.

Bloom ushered for Amber to look at her. 

     "Why don't you go see him? You're powerful enough it shouldn't matter." Bloom said.

Amber sighed.

     "Its complicated." Amber said. 

     "How so..?" Bloom asked.

Amber wiped her tears.

    "I don't want to talk about that." Amber said.

Bloom nodded.

     "Bloom, you're heart is in the right place. Be weary of Sky. I know you don't think he'd ever hurt you, but no matter what, once in your life, someone will hurt you. That someone will take all that you are, and rip it into pieces and they won't even watch where the pieces land. But through the breakdown, you'll learn something about yourself. You'll learn that you're strong. And no matter how hard they destroy you, that you can always conquer anyone. Always remember that." Amber said to Bloom. "Now I want to be alone to think please. Go see Sky. He's looking for you."

Bloom started for the door. Amber's words echoing through her head. Right before she went down the stairs she turned and looked at Amber.

     "If you ever need to talk.... I'm always here." Bloom said as she walked down the stairs. 

Winx Club Fan Fiction: The Fairy Who Didn't ChooseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora